Beach Bits,  out out out of the house!,  travel

Adventuring in Ventura


Bug had tickets to a concert in Ventura this last Friday. We bought the tickets way back in March and had really no idea where the band was even playing. That’s how I roll. Always living on the edge. For some reason in my mind I thought it would be close by because the band is a local band. Nope. They were playing a venue two-to-three hours away depending on traffic. Whoops!

When I realized I’d be driving Bug and her friend to the concert and then hanging out for four hours in a town I didn’t know and then driving home at midnight I decided I’d look around for a cheap hotel.

Guess what I stumbled across? The cutest vintage trailer park EVER!!!!  It was three minutes from the concert venue and by the pictures, it seemed super cool and hip and exactly like the kind of place I’d like to hang out in. I mean, if I’m going to be stuck alone while my kid is at a concert I might as well be stuck in some place cool, right? That’s what I say.


Friday night we drove straight there. Checked in briefly and then I dropped the kids off at their concert.


While they banged their heads around to punk music I settled into my vintage trailer.


It was awesome. The trailer park manager gave me some hot chocolate and a cute little s’mores kit to take to the communal fire pit. I hung out with a group of mom’s on a getaway vacation and some old dude drinking whiskey. It was great. Three hours later I went back to the concert venue and picked up the girls. They were beat from all the mosh pit excitement so we settled into our trailer and went to sleep.

The trailer park is right next to the train tracks and I was worried that we’d be up all night listening to trains whaling (wailing?) on their horns but I didn’t hear even one. Either I was out cold or the trains that run that track only run in the daytime. I’ll have to investigate that. All in all it was a very cozy and quiet night.


The next morning I woke up before the girls and took a short walk across the highway (via a bridge) and walked to the ocean. The trailer park is right across Pacific Coast Highway from the beach!!! Talk about great location!


I meandered down the pier, watching the fisherman, the surfers and the various birds hanging around. It was a nice morning walk. There were a few beach bums but they totally had a kick back vibe that felt welcoming instead of scary.


Then I headed back to the trailer park for my complimentary coffee and orange juice.


How nice is that? And it was good coffee too with real cream. No watery weak stuff with powdered creamer, no way. I really enjoyed this place and will probably come back. I wish I could have stayed longer but Bug had plans to go to Disneyland for Joon’s birthday. Tough life! Concerts and Disneyland and vintage trailers.. oh my! She’s definitely going to be spoiled once summer vacation gets here and I have absolutely no plans.


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