• 15 minute posts,  photography

    The Quest for the Pink Strawberry Cupcake


    Bug has a best friend named Cadence from her elementary school days. I’m not sure how far back they go, third grade maybe? She’s a bestie from way back when they all used to play with their stuffed Pusheen plushies on the playground. It was called the Pusheen Club and they were a serious click with serious games, well known amongst the elementary crowd. Pusheen has long been forgotten but their friendship holds and it makes me so happy because I’ve always loved Cadence. If I could adopt her I would!

    Recently Cadence started a little baking business to finance a band trip to Hawaii next year. It’s called Sweet Candences. How cute is that?!!


    So of course I had to get on that bandwagon and order a batch of pink strawberry cupcakes! Cadence didn’t have a recipe at the time but she put something together with strawberry and a buttercream marshmallow frosting that was out of this world. And they were PINK!!!

    I’m obsessed with pink.


    Naturally we had to do a photoshoot.


    Cadence isn’t shipping her baked goods right now but if you are local, you should hit her up on her Instagram account: @sweetcadences.  If she starts a gofundme page I’ll put it here but so far I don’t think she’s reaching that deep. She should though. I’m all for girls earning their own money by working hard and doing something they love.


    Three Cheers for Cadence!


    Many of you remember the pink obsession I went through when I was pregnant with Bug. I was absurd in the lengths I would go to celebrate everything pink and to celebrate everything WITH pink. I’m still kind of absurd.  I wanted pink strawberry cupcakes for my baby shower so bad but who knew pink strawberry cupcakes weren’t really a thing back then! Not me. I tasked one of my good friends to make them for me but she couldn’t make time (being a full-time working-woman that she was) and no matter where she looked, pink strawberry cupcakes did not exist. Without telling me she settled for regular vanilla cupcakes with pink frosting. I’m ashamed to admit I was sorely disappointed like a spoiled prima donna. I hang my head about that whole baby shower, to be honest with you. I had my hands so deep in the planning of it you could hardly say it was a baby shower for me. It was a Brendafest like no other Brendafest and I’m really surprised I have any friends left. I guess everyone humors me.

    So anyway, long story short I have never stopped in my quest to find the perfect pink strawberry cupcake and now I have found it.


    I don’t have a recipe for you but I do have a good friend named Cadence who could make some for you!