• artsy fartsy,  Bug,  photography,  rando bits

    cluttercore, balloon antics and punk style


    Every inch of my office is filled with knick knacks, art supplies and miscellaneous detritus from about fifty projects I have going on. And all of those projects are personal projects and not even paying gigs! I don’t know why but I am the clutter queen lately.

    I recently stumbled upon the hashtag: “cluttercore” (type it into your instagram search bar and see what happens) and nothing has made me feel more pigeon-holed than that term. Clutter is oozing out of me in every way right now. It’s in my art, it’s in my home-decorating, it’s in my closet …I think it might be a defense mechanism against the crazy world I’m getting old in.

    I don’t love it. It’s just how things are right now.


    I’ve been making recycled postcards for months now. Have I blogged all the postcards I make? I don’t think I have but they are all over the place (half mailed, half on my desk, some framed…) so I don’t see a collective blog post happening anytime soon.

    I like to take recycled bits and make art out of them. My latest craze is painting chip board black and then doodling all over it. I’ve also been painting funny hat ladies and gluing bits of fruit mesh bag on the hats to look like veils… I’m not posting any yet (although there is a peek of one above) because I think they are crap. But I think I will get some good ones soon.

    *    *   *

    In other news, Bug and I took a long walk (off a short dock) to take some pictures for her instagram feed.


    Bug had this idea that we’d buy some mylar balloons to say “1K” and pose with them for her 1000th instagram photo. Not 1000 followers but her 1000th post. I thought that was cool and since I’m always up for a photoshoot, I was happy to oblige. Not to mention I could use the steps. So we walked and we walked and we walked all over the nearby bird sanctuary and I think I took about 1000 photos. Not really, I took 300-something but it felt like 1000.

    So many photos!!! You know what’s hard to do in the afternoon when the wind kicks up? Get two balloons to face the right way.


    Those balloons were our nemesis. They went every which way but the right way. It’s too bad we weren’t trying to post something about “K1” because that was a winner.


    Of course we got our shot (you’ll have to check her feed to see them) but we also got a lot of shots like this. Balloons have a personalities of their own and they are jerks.


    And speaking of personality, Bug never disappoints.


    She’s going through a self-described punk stage. I’m down for it. She wears eyeliner and fishnets and underwear over her clothes. Payam and her dad hate it, naturally. But I think it’s cool. I’m also picking up a lot of new musical interests because of her. Kids are awesome at that. She makes me playlists and fixes my phone when I forget how it works. So yeah… that’s my news lately.