15 minute posts,  half assed posts,  rando bits,  Slow News Day

July 15th 2020


Captains Log 07152020… wait, I’m not even sure how that goes. I watched Star Trek for a brief period during my college years when I lived with my Aunt and her family but I don’t remember much. I was a fan though. Just not a loyal fan, I guess.

Anyway, I don’t have a lot to write about today. A few topics have been swirling around in my head but none of them are grabbing me.

  1. Wide pants from eshacti. It’s time to kick Stitch Fix.
  2. Bug cooking dinner. Her old soul demeanor humbles me.
  3. Learning to like sparkling water.
  4. Puppuccinos for the dogs in the mornings at the nearby Starbucks. Did you know having a Starbucks within walking distance of your house can increase your house’s value? I had no idea. Fun tip from my morning talks with my Dad.
  5. My mom’s amazing weight loss journey and how we are writing a book about it. Not really, we’re just writing a notebook with tips and tricks. We just need a nutritionist and we could take this on the road. Kidding. Sort of.
  6. My love affair with Belle Robertson, author of Tired of Thinking About Drinking (especially the “okay, goodbyeeeeee!” one minute messages).
  7. CAMPING! We are leaving soon and of course I have typed up a massive list of things to pack.
  8. What if they don’t let us camp because of covid? So far so good.
  9. Garden News (we took a blow from the powdery mold monster), new nylon bags and how not to plant your plants too close together next year so your cucumbers don’t taste like squash and your squash doesn’t taste like cucumber.
  10. Sewing plans.
  11. My new characters Bandit and Su. I actually already wrote about them over here.
  12. Pulling from the Brenda’s Book of proverbs, life lessons, criticisms and hard knocks.
  13. Out in my shed looking at old journals. So many!
  14. Monday Morning Disease, 6 o’clock drink o’clock, Morning Mantras, Cold Showers and other tricks

What do you got? Anything you’d like me to wax on about now that I’m in the habit writing every morning? No promises though. You know me. This could just be a phase that could dry up tomorrow for all I know.

We leave tomorrow for our long-awaited camping trip and I’m NOT taking my computer with me. I know. Such self-control, right? Heh. I will be instagramming whenever I find wifi of course. I’ll be up at the general store standing in that one corner that has cell coverage with my mask on, six-feet away from all the other wifi-seeking city-slickers.

If any local thieves are reading this I just want you to know that my house is heavily alarmed, fully camera-ed up AND I am having someone check in on my cat who is a Krav Maga master.

Love you guys!


  • Cathy

    Hey, I’ll read all 14 posts you got planned up there! Especially interested in learning why you need to ‘learn’ to drink sparkling water :) – I drink it daily! And am looking forward to a camping entry too.

  • Lynne

    I don’t have any requests, I always love the swirling thoughts that tumble out of your head and onto the page, strike that I mean computer screen.

    Loving those wide pants of yours. Recently around the farm, I’ve been wearing my turquoise hareem pants I bought in my first trip to Sri Lanka. Supposedly just for bed but the mornings slip by and I’m still in them as they are just so darn comfy. The elastic in the shirring is going though and I don’t know how to fix it, so my huge pants droop as well. :D

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