my Persian emersion

My heart goes kabob, kabob, kabob.


I know I’m a little late to be posting Valentine’s but I had to post these because I made them at the last minute and they crack me up!  I’m hoping there’s someone out there who speaks Farsi who also needs something special for the Persian in their life.


Payam has been teaching me Farsi since I met him three years ago. I’m a very slow learner. So far I know how to say: “Haighly sagget boomiday” (Your dog is very stinky.), “Een jah” (here), “Oon jah” (there) and a few various endearments like “Azizam” (sweetheart or dear one) and Joon (dear –usually attached to someone’s name like Brenda-joon or Bug-joon). Did you know Persians call each other liver? It’s like saying you are dear to me, like you are my heart except liver instead. I get a kick out of that one. I also regularly butcher “Ghorboonit Beram” (I love you) and of course I can order my favorite food: Fessenjoon (walnut, pomegranate chicken stew).


I thought you might like these too. I know the audience for this is super slim (all five of my Persian friends who read this blog) but maybe this is the exact valentine you need and I am here for you in the nick of time!

OR maybe you are looking for something totally different and you want to make your Valentine break out google translate!


Anyway, here they are to download. Just click, print and cut out! Maybe attach a packet of sumac for kicks. Hope you like them!

(Sidenote: I changed “ghorboonit” to “ghorboonet” after a friend let me know I had my Pinglish a tiny bit wrong.)


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