Buddies,  travel

Snow in April!


Just when I thought I was having the time of my life at my friend Susan’s (You know, living it up with pedicures, massages, eating delicious things at every turn and pretty much getting spoiled rotten, as per usual.) Susan decided to order up a snow storm just for me. A SNOW STORM!!

It’s April. I was there to see Spring flowers not snow. But I LOVE SNOW! Well,  as much as any Southern Californian who has never  seen snow in her life before!!!

I take that back. I’ve seen snow. BUT NOT LIKE THIS:


It came down soft and fluffy and fast. In the space of two hours there was easily two inches of fluff everywhere. I was beside myself. How to capture the magic of it all? Instagram? Movies? Snapchat? I went a little bananas.

snow-in-april-3Then I tromped around Susan’s property with my camera and took pictures of every single flipping thing. Flowers with snow on them! Buddha heads with snow on them! Fence posts with snow on them! Fountains with snow on them. Everything is magical with snow on it. Even barbecues and cars are picturesque with snow on them. That’s it. From now on I’d like to order up snow on everything.

You hear that New York? You’ve got one day.



  • Becca

    My exact response to snow. Every time. Mine came from growing up in southern New Mexico, we’d get a dusting that would melt as fast it would come down. Now where I live in Oregon it’s not too much different, but every now and then we get a few feet of snow and I LOVE EVERY SINGLE SECOND OF IT!

  • Amy

    We had snow like that yesterday! But after close to 150 inches of it over the past 6 months here in Maine, it’s kind of lost its luster. I’m glad you got to have some fun with it, though!

  • mar

    If you come here (NY) and bring snow, I promise, you will be lynched. (Not by me, but others!) We’ve had had one of the coldest, snowiest winters in years in the northeast – our last snow was just 10 days ago. This is the first weekend that resembles spring, and everyone is jumping for joy! People will hurt you if you come here and wish out loud for snow.

    You’ve been warned. ;-)

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