• Funny Fashion,  love, Bug

    “Just Wear It” brought to you by Bug


    So as you can see I have pretty much a good choice of fashion. It’s not that good but I’ll just go with it. When I get dressed in the morning I have to think of something that is not too pink or not too purple because I don’t like girl colors.  But I chose pink because that dress the perfect dress for the weather I was in. It was really hot. I toned down the girly-ness with my cool payless vans and mis-matched socks. I have to wear a shrug because at my school there’s rules for no spaghetti straps and that dress has spaghetti straps. So I have to keep my shrug on all day long.


    Now don’t think I’m Princess Leia with all those cute little buns. I wanted to be the queen of the ocean.  So I pretty much choosed my favorite color turquoise for my fashion. I topped it off with my white sweater because I like how it’s kind of like an ice berg. It’s kind of itchy though. But it’s sparkly. The guitar is just a prop so my outfit looks cooler. I didn’t wear it to school.  How am I supposed to wear a guitar? They wouldn’t really let me wear a guitar to school anyway.  Shoes: I wear them every day.


    I was sort of wearing the same shirt and shorts as the above picture but it was cold so I put a sweater on and some leg warmers. These are from when I was a baby. They still fit me. The nails are nothing special. The headband: I usually wear headbands every day. They’re my fashion statement.

    Over and Out,

    Bug Fashionista

  • 15 minute posts,  Buddies,  travel

    Flower Fields for old time’s sake


    Cross your fingers. With yesterday’s post over-with I might have my blogging mojo back. I feel so much better just being open about things. Phew! Thank you so much for all of your support. If I haven’t responded personally to your emails or comments please know that I want to and plan to. Everyone has been so kind. And yet I know that not “everything that seemeth right unto a man*” is…but it does help to know I’m being honest at least. Thank you.

    Let’s play catch up!

    Last month we made it to the flower fields! It’s my favorite place in spring. Yes, the flowers are exactly the same as they are every year but every year I fall in love with ranunculus all over again. They are my favorite flower after all, right after peonies.

    I really wanted to buy a bunch of orange ones and just suck their many petal-y goodness right up into my nose but we were on our way to Bethany’s for a get-together and in a bit of a rush. Also it took us so long to get there (traffic ugh!)  and find parking (Seriously, major pain-in-the-butt parking issues. Just cut your losses and park in the back side lot and walk. It’s way safer and faster than playing car dodgeball.) that by the time we got there everyone was hungry enough to eat their own arm and grumpy.


    So we made it a quick, down-and-dirty, photo-op trip.


    Because it is! Best photo backdrop ever.

    P.S. Did you know Bethany is moving to Japan in June? It’s crazy. Part of me is super excited to travel vicariously through her (you better blog it B.) and the other part of me is a little scared to have my good friend on the other side of the earth. (Everyone is leaving me!!!) If you want to travel vicariously through Bethany too, head on over to her blog and tell her. Maybe if we get enough people pestering her she’ll bring her blog back from the dead. Not that I can preach but it’s worth a shot.

    * yes, verses like this haunt me.