Funny Fashion,  love, Bug

“Just Wear It” brought to you by Bug


So as you can see I have pretty much a good choice of fashion. It’s not that good but I’ll just go with it. When I get dressed in the morning I have to think of something that is not too pink or not too purple because I don’t like girl colors.  But I chose pink because that dress the perfect dress for the weather I was in. It was really hot. I toned down the girly-ness with my cool payless vans and mis-matched socks. I have to wear a shrug because at my school there’s rules for no spaghetti straps and that dress has spaghetti straps. So I have to keep my shrug on all day long.


Now don’t think I’m Princess Leia with all those cute little buns. I wanted to be the queen of the ocean.  So I pretty much choosed my favorite color turquoise for my fashion. I topped it off with my white sweater because I like how it’s kind of like an ice berg. It’s kind of itchy though. But it’s sparkly. The guitar is just a prop so my outfit looks cooler. I didn’t wear it to school.  How am I supposed to wear a guitar? They wouldn’t really let me wear a guitar to school anyway.  Shoes: I wear them every day.


I was sort of wearing the same shirt and shorts as the above picture but it was cold so I put a sweater on and some leg warmers. These are from when I was a baby. They still fit me. The nails are nothing special. The headband: I usually wear headbands every day. They’re my fashion statement.

Over and Out,

Bug Fashionista


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