• BIG news,  my books,  party party

    I Have Exciting Book News!



    I know I’ve talked about Secret Agent Josephine in Paris for what seems like years now but guess what? It’s actually happening!  After many rewrites and a major plot change, it is officially launching this November. Mark your calendars!!

    I worked on it so long I got a little sick of it but now that it’s put to bed and I’ve had some space, I’ve started to fall in love with it again. I think you guys will too. It’s a sweet story near to my heart with all my favorite illustrations of Paris! Oui! Oui!

    The big launch party is planned for November 8th (time still tbd) in this cute little boutique photography studio in downtown San Juan Capistrano. I’ve always loved that area and I couldn’t be happier with the venue. Old brick walls, big windows, polished cement floor, breezy entryways (across from Starbucks and that famous Swallow dive bar)…it’s the perfect space.

    I’m so happy to be collaborating with Vanessa Brooke, a very talented photographer. I might have to hit her up for new author photos! Check out her work. So good!




    In the meantime I’m on their calendar for storytime every first Tuesday of the month. How exciting, no?  If you are local, please come!  I need all the support I can get.

    I haven’t actually read publicly before but I figure if I can teach a watercolor class to a bunch of women I can probably manage reading my bunny books (that last about a minute each) to a bunch of little kids. Then we’ll do crafts and maybe have a snack. I think it will be a blast.


    Since you have your calendars out I tentatively have a Halloween reading of Who’s There Little Hoo planned for October 29th.  Lots of book news!  If anyone wants to get involved please email me. I’m currently looking for blogs to review SAJ in Paris but supplies are limited (hardback this time! as well as e-book of course, ebooks are not as limited, just email me and we’ll hash it out.)!

  • 15 minute posts,  Bug,  Tis the Season

    Summer Bug



    The hair! I knew it would be ratty and matted and disgusting but did I realize that I would have to put up with it every-stinkin-day when I told her she could take the whole summer off from hair care? What was I thinking?!!  I am counting down the days until school starts and we chop a good chunk off and daily hair brushing torture commences.

    Not that I like brushing her hair. I don’t. I hate it as much as she does but I didn’t realize how vain I was regarding my daughter’s hair. Will people think she’s unloved?  Just kidding. Usually people compliment her on this rat’s mansion. And if anyone could rock the hippie blonde dreads, it’s Bug but still, I have to admit it makes me want to reach for the hairbrush and detangler.

    Really, Bug? You like smelling like a wet dog? She assures me she does.




    Then we have the snails. My little Nature Bug…Do your kids collect snails and let them slime on their hands? I told Bug that when I was a kid we used to make soup out of snails and mud. She ran away screaming.




    Lastly, we have Office Bug. You can tell what our summer has been like: Me working, her pretending to work. It works, most of the time.