15 minute posts,  Family Matters

Summer of SuperChic



We’ve had my niece, SuperChic, visiting us this week. She’s at that magical age right before you turn into a woman. I just want to hug her so tight because I know in a minute she will not be the little girl anymore and I’m going to miss that little girl.  She’s so cute and innocent and those freckles…they get me right in that spot that makes me happy and excited for her future and at the same time sad because I just want to stop time. It’s all going by way too fast for me!



One of these days we’ll all be old ladies sitting around looking at these pictures thinking, those were the days…the good old days.


  • Susie

    She’s gotten so big! I think she’s roughly the same age as my daughter and I feel exactly the same way about this phase. My son and nephews have already crossed over into teenagerhood, so I’m savoring the last bit of girlhood with my daughter. SuperChic has always been adorable, but she has really become such a beauty. You can just see the sweetness and loveliness in her eyes and smile. :)

  • Heather Sanders

    How could she possibly not grow into someone amazing when her aunt assigned her the name “Super Chic” at such an early age!?!

    Precious photos. I remember the years I spent a week or two with my cousin here in the place that has now become my “hometown.” Those memories have stuck with me. I treasure them. She will forever treasure these memories with you and Bug.

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