• party party



    I turned forty-one last week. I wasn’t going to throw myself a party or anything since I really went all out last year…but well, you know me. I can’t resist! So I threw a tiny last minute get together instead. I didn’t even send out invites. That’s not as bad, right?

    My birthday landed on a Saturday and the strawberries were looking so good in the market so I hatched up a plan to have a strawberry shortcake party. I know. You and everyone I invited thought I was going to break out the Strawberry Shortcake dolls but no… strawberry shortcake is actually a historically wonderful summer dessert. It was my Grandpa’s favorite. It brings back so many wonderful memories of summers with my grandparents.

    I baked up a bunch of Bisquick biscuits, sliced all the strawberries, made some homemade whipped cream and then we had a picnic on the grassy knoll outside my apartment with all kinds of strawberry drinks. Strawberry beer, Brendaritas, and strawberry lemonade. I was going to make strawberry daiquiris too but we all voted for less sugary drinks in the end.

    I was afraid the Irvine Company aka The Capital was going to bust me for having a party *with drinks* on the public open space but they didn’t. I even asked beforehand—which could have been a huge mistake but they said as long as nobody got too rowdy we were fine. Of course nobody was too rowdy. We’re just a bunch of moms. Well, I take that back. The kids were plenty rowdy. I should have thought up some games for them. It was a late party though. I thought kids would be staying in after 7pm but I was wrong. It’s summer! Duh!

    Anyway, it was really fun. I love strawberry shortcake. If you have never tried it. I recommend you go to the farmer’s market the next chance you get and buy yourself a flat of strawberries and make some!

  • 15 minute posts,  Apartmentlandia

    The Pool Chronicles


    I’ve come to realize that there is no escaping the pool. Firstly, I seem to have spawned a child who thinks chlorine is one of four major food groups and secondly, we live in an apartment that has a rinky-dink wall-unit air conditioner that is about as effective (and smelly) as one you’d find in a cheap hotel. So when the weather heats up, we end up at the pool. There’s just no fighting it.

    I know I should not complain about this. What a horrible, terrible place to be stuck, right? The pool? Play your sad violin for me while I take pictures of my chipped pedicured feet propped up on this reclining lawn chair beside a dog-eared novel and a pretty pot of sun-drenched geraniums. Le sigh.

    It’s beautiful here. There are so many worse places I could be stuck. Perhaps a gray wool covered cubicle next to the bathroom in an icy cold air conditioned office where people play darts all day long and open stinky cans of tuna in the break room nearby.


    It’s the pool, for crying out loud. I cannot complain.

    It’s just that I’m stuck here! For hours and hours (it seems) and you can only suck down so much wifi on your phone before your battery goes dead. Not to mention, I have a ton of work I should really be doing back at home. That is IF I could get any work done with a kid who’s whining to go to the pool and IF I wasn’t sweating to death.

    After much thought on the matter, I’ve come to a conclusion that I have to take my laptop to the pool. I just have to bite the bullet and do it. I’ve resisted until now because the very thought of having my most expensive piece of electronics near a large body of water gives me hives. What if it fell in? What if someone splashed me? What if a gang of teenage hoodlums stole it from me and rode off into the distance on their pack of skateboards?!!! So many worries!

    But the sad truth is I need to make time to blog. (Come back to life, poor blog! I still love you!!) and I need to work on my illustrations for my book. I need to do a lot of things after I get off work from my part time job at the invitation studio and it’s just not happening at home. So here I am at the pool, type, type, typing.

    It’s a dangerous job but I gotta do it. Hopefully you’ll hear from me, poolside, more often.