15 minute posts,  domesticity,  Tis the Season

Strawberry Picking at Tanaka Farms


I heart Tanaka Farms. It doesn’t hurt that we live within walking distance. One random Sunday Bug and I woke up hankering for blueberry pancakes. Instead of walking to the grocery store (that never has any good produce at all) to get some we decided to walk to Tanaka Farms. On empty stomachs. Because that’s how fresh we like breakfast.

Well, you know what happened next.


We decided we wanted to eat our breakfast right then and there because we were HUNGRY! So I shelled out the $12 bucks for their tour and we got to ride on a tractor and taste onions, peas, carrots, cilantro and of course strawberries, first thing in the morning.


Nothing like picking your own breakfast!


We forgot all about the blueberry pancakes.


But we did have strawberry pancakes the next day. Of course.


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