• 15 minute posts,  domesticity,  Tis the Season

    Strawberry Picking at Tanaka Farms


    I heart Tanaka Farms. It doesn’t hurt that we live within walking distance. One random Sunday Bug and I woke up hankering for blueberry pancakes. Instead of walking to the grocery store (that never has any good produce at all) to get some we decided to walk to Tanaka Farms. On empty stomachs. Because that’s how fresh we like breakfast.

    Well, you know what happened next.


    We decided we wanted to eat our breakfast right then and there because we were HUNGRY! So I shelled out the $12 bucks for their tour and we got to ride on a tractor and taste onions, peas, carrots, cilantro and of course strawberries, first thing in the morning.


    Nothing like picking your own breakfast!


    We forgot all about the blueberry pancakes.


    But we did have strawberry pancakes the next day. Of course.

  • 15 minute posts,  Shop Talk

    New Design!


    It’s crazy isn’t it? Finally, after all these years I switched over to a simpler design and lost all the silly ads on the side. I had that old template forever!! The ads weren’t making me much money anyway and I didn’t really have the drive to go hunt down sponsors. I don’t know what took me so long. This design is actually a pretty simple responsive theme from wordpress that was modified by my new best friend Teri.

    Of course switching up your theme is never easy when you’re a blogger like me (all thumbs and carrying about a thousand years of content) so I needed a lot of hand-holding. In fact, I still do. We lost a post yesterday. That was fun. The transition has been a little glitchy. I’m sure you’ll notice some things are gone and other new things are not working quite the way they should. But that’s to be expected. Poke around, let me know what you like and you don’t like.

    I really have no idea if these huge mongo pictures are going to work for the long term. Is it normal to upload 5 megs of images everyday? I might need to rethink that with my present server hosting package. In the meantime it’s fun. I’ve always been more about the visual than words anyway. I know the big pictures crop off on most people’s screens. Does that bug you? Or is it fun to scroll through like a magazine? I’m thinking I like it. Jury is still out though.

    My portfolio is not filled out yet. I’m working on that. Hopefully it will be a constant work in progress and always changing. My old one, even though I liked it, was too hard to update and it got really stale really quick. This one is driven by wordpress and a bit more user friendly for non-programming types like me so I should stay on top of it more.

    What else is different? I took Eye Spy out and now it’s just a Pinterest widget—which is what it was turning out to be anyway. I love Pinterest.

    Any questions? Any requests? Hit me!

    Oh! The newsletter! I haven’t learned how to do newsletters yet but I’m thinking it might be really fun. I won’t blast your email boxes with spam, I promise. I’m thinking something monthly with a round-up of news and maybe a printable. I’ll make it worth signing up for.