• 15 minute posts,  artsy fartsy,  Shop Talk

    New Job. New Life. New Crazy.


    You guys. I think I’m losing my mind. I know it’s way too soon to complain about anything but I started my new job this week and I’m keeping all of my old freelance jobs going too. I think I just signed up for 60 days of crazy. Eeeeeeeeeek! But I have to do it.

    I had been praying for something steady and dependable work-wise and this job just happened to fall in my lap. It’s a perfect job. It’s super part time and I’m designing high-end invitations, which is kind of what I do anyway. They have a showroom. I’ll actually get dressed up and go to work three days a week. I’m kind of excited about that part. And they do everything paperless with a super cool online interface. Which means HIGH LEARNING CURVE and I’m skeeered!

    But I know I can do it. I have to do it. Well, at least for sixty days. Then I’ll reevaluate. So pray for me that I can juggle all these oranges in the air and I don’t drop them!


    Also: Lacey, watch your inbox. I need your address so I can mail you your postcard! :)

  • 15 minute posts,  Funny Fashion

    Smart Dressed Woman


    I know taking fashion tips from me is like taking stock market tips from your hairdresser but I have to say that I am LOVING the long long skirts that seem to be everywhere this Spring. It started out for me when my Aunt gave me about fifty* ankle-length hand-me-down floral skirts last year. She is a seamstress and one of her clients is quite tall. This client also likes to shop a lot and when she gets tired of her old clothes she gives them to my Aunt who then passes them on to me. It’s great.

    I’m not as tall as this client so the skirts all come to my ankles and I LOVE it. I don’t feel dwarfed by them at all. Bring on the length! Hide my tree-trunk legs with your swishy goodness! Sometimes I tie up the skirts in knots at my knees, sometimes I don’t. Sometimes I pull the elastic waist line all the way up to my bust and wear them as a strapless dress. Dress it up with heels, dress it down with flip flops, these long flowing skirts are making me love getting dressed in the morning—and that says a lot.

    I figured I just had good luck with the hand-me-downs but then my mom bought me a stretchy knit skirt that also came down to my ankles. Best skirt ever. I could live in that skirt. It’s soooo comfortable and it looks good too.

    Then this last week I had a job interview (I know, big news. More on that later.) and I went to the mall to buy one of those wildly-overpricedm fancy, cone curling irons from the little carts that sit outside in the mall courtyards.

    Well, as I was standing there waiting for the salesgirl to finish demonstrating mermaid curls on a twelve-year-old, I meandered into one of those cheap teeny bopper stores. I never shop if I can help it and I never shop in cheap teenybopper stores but the store was right there and I didn’t want to hover at the cart too much. I don’t want them to think I’m that eager to spend a hundred and forty bucks on a stupid hair tool. Pffft, talk about a lesson in economics… I was so reamed.

    Guess what? The walls of the teenybopper store were lined with those stretchy ankle-length skirts. They were everywhere! Stipes, graphics, floral, even leopard print! It’s like somebody has been taking fashion inspiration from me. How could that happen?! I am not fashionable. Maybe it’s payback for those damn skinny jeans that make me look like I have radishes for legs. It’s about time.

    I don’t care. I’m just happy.

    *maybe not 50 but I seriously have a lot of skirts.