• 15 minute posts,  Buddies

    Eggs Florentine!


    The other day when Bethany was visiting I told her that the next time she visited me she HAD to make me Eggs Benedict because I had some lemons on hand from my mom’s tree and it was about time I used them. That’s the great thing about Bethany, you can pretty much demand that she cook you something and she will happily do it for you. She’s so strange. And of course I can’t be bothered with anything as fussy as bernaise sauce making! That’s way too much stirring and being careful for my addled brain that likes to go off and check email for an hour or two.

    So we had a girl’s night out the other night (super fun visit to my local Persian grocery store with my friend Jen who’s visiting from the East Coast) and the next morning Bethany whipped these up.

    eggs florentine

    Except we both decided we didn’t really feel like walking to the market for ham so we made them Eggs Florentine with spinach instead! I like spinach way better than ham anyway.

    good to the last bite!

    Yum, yum, yum! Good to the last bite!