• B reviews,  Buddies

    Ypsi Girls

    silly girls

    I’ve been meaning to write this post since forEVER. I am such a bad friend. I’m sorry Rebecca!

    A while back I did some (paid) illustration work for a friend who invented this really super cool t-shirt design. They are basically t-shirts with paper-dolls printed on them that you can velcro different outfits onto. Super cute and fun! Anyway, I wanted to show you all how cool they are in case anybody was looking for something a little different for a little girl in their life for Christmas.

    (I should probably just break down and write a gift guide post one of these days. But that’s not really my style. I hate shopping. I just like promoting people that I know and love.)

    Part of the reason it took me so long to blog about is that Bug is not into them. It’s a cryin’ shame. But she’s only wears a strict uniform of skinny Hello Kitty shirts so no matter how much I bribed her with pedicures and frozen yogurt, she was just not into taking pictures in a Ypsi Doll shirt.

    Ypsi Doll shirts

    Good thing her best friend was. :) Though I have to apologize for the photos. I was borrowing a camera and no matter what I did, I couldn’t get the white balance right. I tried to fix it in photoshop but I think I lost some detail in the white.

    dress her up

    So just imagine this t-shirt in crisp white and the outfits vivid and colorful.


    My friend Madeline at Maisonette designed the little outfits. Aren’t they cute?

    playing t-shirt dolls

    They’re pretty fun to play with even if you are too cool to wear them.