• Apartmentlandia,  Slow News Day

    Hum Bar

    hum bar

    You know what’s great about living in the second story of an apartment building surrounded by trees? Every time I look out my window I see birds and squirrels. It’s like we live in a tree house.

    We have a chipmunk living in the tree right outside our dining room and it has been a great source of entertainment for both Bug and I and the cats as you can imagine. I’ve yet to properly photograph Chip but I will one of these days because he is a barrel of laughs.


    I recently installed a hummingbird feeder on our patio and those hummingbirds have been downright aggressive about it. They buzz in and out like beetles whether I’m near or not. Sometimes I think they are getting annoyed with me for standing in their way, the way they twirp and tweet right in my ear.


    So I decided to take advantage of the situation and photograph them. I took about eleventy zillion photos so I decided to rip them into an animated gif so this post wasn’t too terribly long or boring.



    Here’s a close up if that was too hard to see. Isn’t he (she?) pretty? So far I think there are four hummers who frequent this feeder. It’s been quite amusing to watch them swerve and bob to get in and out of my enclosed patio and then around each other. It’s a pretty popular spot.


    As is the other side of the window.

    humming bird protection squad

    I need to make an animated gif of these two loons one of these days.

  • Tis the Season

    Happy Fall Pumpkin Patch Time!

    It wouldn’t be proper if I didn’t post some happy fall pumpkin patch photos on my blog. I get a lot of traffic from all the pumpkin patch photos I’ve posted over the years. Lots of image thievery too but whatcha gonna do? I imagine some poor graphic designer stuck deep in the depths of cubicle hell with a non-existent stock art budget and no hope of ever seeing the light of day with her own camera so she turns to the internet and dreams of days that can be spent out of doors and away from florescent lighting…Not like that was me or anything. Hah! That was totally me. But I didn’t steal images. Well, maybe I did but for mock-up purposes only and then those mock-ups died long painful deaths in boring meetings because the clients never had a budget to hire a real photographer to recreate my nabbed photos.


    Wow. I guess I had a lot of left over pent up energy from my olden days of making junk mail in cubicle land.

    Long live pumpkin patch days! Bring on the dusty hikes with whining kids who get lost in the corn maze and want a drink or a snack or a fifty dollar pumpkin so they can carve a house into it. I’d trade that for meetings any day.


    An-nee. Day.

    brown and pink

    So anyway, Bethany came out to visit me and I took her to the pumpkin patch that is practically across the street from my house. I love my neighborhood.

    E and her sheep

    We pet the goats and sheep. Eliora is a big fan of Shaun the Sheep (as am I) so this guy was a treat.


    We rode in the hay wagon. It was so nice to be there in the afternoon and not the weekend when the pumpkin patch converts over to a little mini carnival swarmed with families. We pretty much had the place to ourselves.


    We had the kids sit on some pumpkins. Punkins on pumpkins, get it? Heh.

    cat in the corn

    We tried to get lost in the corn maze but the corn hadn’t really grown in so it was more like walking around a corn labyrinth which was also kind of fun.

    "hiding" in the corn

    “I’m hiding.”

    you don't see me

    “If I can’t see you then you can’t see me!”

    run this way

    Corn mazes are always such a blast for littles. Well, except when they trip on their big rubber soled shoes and scrape up their knees on the gravely dirt.

    queen of the pumpkin patch

    And then we escaped with only three little pumpkins (and three little punkins!). I wanted to buy that great big pumpkin so bad but I just couldn’t justify it. I think it would have weighed in near $100. I’m going to have to track down a source for cheaper ones. I hear Trader Joes has some deals.