BIG news,  Bug

Last Day of Summer!

Last Day of Summer: She swims!

Today is a HUGE day. Not only is it the last day of summer vacation and school starts tomorrow but today, Bug officially learned how to swim. She’s not a great swimmer. She only swims in the shallow end with one hand on her nose but I would call this swimming:

It’s a little spluttery but it’s good enough for me. We’ve spent nearly everyday in the pool all summer and even though she’s a fish connected to her kick-board, she has been very stubborn about putting her head under the water. I figured I’d just lay off and let her do her own thing in her own time. Sure enough, she did it! In the nick of time too!

Not that we’ll stop swimming now that school will be starting. I fully expect to use the lure of the pool to get her to do her homework everyday after school. Plus, the pool is heated so I figure we’ll still be swimming come December.


Speaking of red-letter days, this has been happening lately.

I thought this day would never happen. She's finally discovered reading by herself!

Boredom is the best parenting tool ever.