
Instagram Favorites

Go to your room!
“Go to your room!”

I think my phone is my favorite camera, simply because it’s always there to catch moments like this.

Kitty and the Vaders
Kitty and the Vaders

They are big fans of Star Wars at Calee’s house where I work. In case you were wondering…


The Summer that Never Endeth

I’m due for another sketch dump.

Story time for the animals.
The animals have story time.


Bug getting ready to write her own blog post all animal toys she is designing.
Bug the Blogger

I know! More cat photos. I'm sorry.

It's so hot the cats are melting.
Melting Cats


Cats, cats, cats. Sorry.

Lurk Lurk Lurk

I got this balloon (that Bug decorated) at the Craft Cabinet Meet-up I went to last Friday. It was super fun. I took a few instagrams but the rest of the time I was too busy talking my head off and crafting.


I also snagged a red and while vintage parasol from Salvage Life, the store where Craft Cabinet was held. It is such a cute store. If you live in the area you should visit!

Vintage parasol from @salvagelife !

Thirty bucks, yo!

Goodnight cute little shop. #craftcabinet

This is the little shop. So cute!

New friends! @littlegraypixel @pancakesfries (though I've known her online for a while) @gingerbreadblog making some kind of cool friendship bracelet wrapped hanger. @littlegraypixel

Some new friends I met.

Food and rocks! #craftcabinet I wish I could buy this purse!

Pretty dresses. #craftcabinet

Going alone to a craft party to meet new people. Nervous! #craftcabinet

Bug stole my phone.

Someone high jacked my phone. Untitled


More Bug, Bug, Bug. One of these days I need to blog about those cat ears. They are the latest obsession.

More 40-year-olds!

My best friend from 2nd grade turned 40! We look like a buncha…forty year olds.



  • Jules

    Nothing like looking like a 40 year old. Says the almost 40-year old. ;) (3 months!)

    It was so great to finally meet you. Not that my initial awkwardness is out of the way, we have to get together again soon.