15 minute posts,  instagram,  urban life


It's that time of year!

Very sad cousins are gone. :(

What she picked out for me to wear. I'm not so sure...
She picked out my outfit for me. How could I say no?

Alright, fine. I'll wear it. She even did my hair.

Another day another pool. Also hookah smoking but not by me.

Trader Joe's Moroccan salad FTW!

Apartment complexes have their perks.
Outdoor theatre! Apartment complexes have their perks.

Puss in Boots!
Puss in Boots.

Priorities are clear.

Teacher and her students. They are all right-handed she says.
Teacher and her students.

Why is this so hard to decipher?
Trying to figure out the blasted NBC Olympics schedule is maddening.

Boring watch-Olympics-all-day day.
Lazy days…


  • Amanda

    lol, the Canadian broadcast network isn’t making it easy for us to figure out either. Figure I could click on the timeline and see what they were carrying…nope, not a chance, just told me the telecast length. Clicked on the sport…nope, not there either, that just told me news. Found the London 2012 app the best…to at least tell me what is happening at a specific time.

    BTW, love the turquoise wall. Gorgeous!

  • SAJ

    No. I wish. I bought it pre-packaged from Trader Joe’s. It’s their Moroccan style chicken salad. Super yummy.

  • gingermog

    Trader Joe’s I love that store. I am totally in love with their packaging and store murals :) The homemade peach ice lollies look lush too and something I should try. If your trying trying to figure out the schedule for the Olympics your more on the case than I am and its happening in my city :)