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Yo Babba Babba!

Babbaco Box!

We recently had the privilege of receiving a box of fun from BabbaCo.com. BabbaCo is a subscription company that sends children ages three to six a box filled with fun, educational activities that they can do every month on their own or with help from parents. Like the KiwiCrate box I reviewed a few months ago it is absolutely wonderful resource for homeschooling or just the busy family who wants to incorporate more enriching activities into their lives without having to hunt all over the place for supplies and ideas. It’s all right there in a box ready for action!

opening the box

Everything you need comes in a beautifully designed box along with helpful instructions, prompts for discussions and further activities, coupon codes for unlocking games on the internet and even a special gift for mom. My gift was a coupon to SitterCity which I’ve heard a lot about and now I have a free subscription for a month. Hot Diggety!

a rainbow kit!

This box was off the hook! It incorporated a rainbow theme and Bug was enthralled.

enormous bubbles!

First she made enormous bubbles with rainbows in them.


Some of them blown at me as you can see. It was kind of fun sending a floaty little storm of giant bubbles off into our new apartment complex. We didn’t see anyone watching us but I like to think a few of them blew by people’s windows and made their day a little more interesting.

I see you.

Next was a little rainbow tissue-dying project with this jaunty little hat.

rainbow crafts!

Bug has always loved rainbows so this project needed very little prodding. It didn’t say in the instructions to create a rainbow stripe on the hat but Bug took the rainbow theme and ran with it.

very good at squirting

Some very serious squirt bottle action went down here, as you can see.

I see rainbows.

Next up was a little lesson about prisms and finding and making your own rainbows.

touch the rainbow

I think we have a new favorite toy.


Then she made more bubble wands with colorful chenille stems. I was quite surprised by this activity. I didn’t realize it was that easy to make a bubble wand and they worked just as well as the store-bought plastic ones. Maybe even better because they were bendable! Just bend, twist and saturate with bubble solution and you’re ready to blow yourself silly with bubbles!

heart bubbles

Sadly, heart-shapped bubble wands do not create heart-shaped bubbles. Dang it!

A Rainbow of My Own

What I really liked about this box was the story book. What a nice touch. And it wasn’t some cheap silly book either. It was a really cool one by Don Freeman that we actually had never read before. Super cute story. I have a feeling this will be a regular in the nighttime storybook line-up from now on.

a rainbow to play with

Seriously, how cute is this? Heart-warming cute, I say.

so stylish jaunty

And as if that wasn’t enough, there was a sunny yellow umbrella included. We haven’t had much rain around here but it sure did look fashionable. Everybody needs a sunny yellow umbrella.

our house matches our life now

Then we finished the very colorful, fun-filled day with some quiet time coloring rainbows and bubbles. Or I should say Bug finished with some quiet coloring time while I got dinner on which was really nice for me. This mama says, “A-Okay!” These activities were perfect for us and there’s still more in the box to discover! I noticed some coupons for links to online games and then there’s that coupon for me for SitterCity. I was very pleasantly surprised with the thoughtful attention to detail included in this box. I would highly recommend it to anyone.

coloring away

And guess what?! One of you can win a free box! All you have to do is sign up for the BabbaCo newsletter and leave a comment below telling me that you have and I will randomly select one reader to win their very own BabbaCo box in the mail. You’ll love it.

I also have a fifty percent off coupon to give away. So if you sign up for a monthly subscription using the code: SAJ50OFF before June 28th, your first charge will be for $15, then 29.99 per month after that. If you sign up for an annual subscription, you will receive $15 off the total price, so you’re getting your first box for 50% off. Not too shabby!

This contest is open until June 28th so hop on it!

This post is sponsored by BabbaCo but my opinions are my own! Promise. :)


  • Jodi B

    Signed up for the newsletter. Even though my kiddo is a bit older (7), these activities look fun and educational. Love these boxed kits!

  • mrs d

    I signed up for the newsletter. this is such a neat thing. My daughter would LOVE it.

    and that turquoise wall is fab. I just moved too and it does take some time to get that art work up. :) you want it to be just right which is sometimes a hard thing. he he

  • Heather

    I totally just signed up for the newsletter. I love this idea.

    Also, I think the throw should go over the other chair. I love your new armless chair in front of the turquoise wall, don’t hide it!

    All the accents and colors in our home are shades of aqua and turquoise. Our living room is called Geyser, like the blue you see in sulfur pools in Yellowstone. We even have a “Jamaican Brothel” bathroom in the brightest, shiniest (since its for a bathroom) hue you can imagine.

  • Ninabi

    What a lot to do in that box- I can’t wait to see the hat, either.

    I love your turquoise wall. Every time I see photos of it I get a sense of joy from that color. Moving can be such a headache but it can be so rejuvenating, too, can’t it? Looking forward to seeing how it all turns out.

  • Lisa

    I LOVE this idea! This type of crafty thing will save me this summer – I’m at home all day with a 3 and a 5 year old!

    Also, sidenote: did you paint that cheapo IKEA kid table and make it look totally cool and awesome???! I have that same little table and chairs and now you are officially my paint HERO. I’m going to spray paint mine a.s.a.p. I’m thinking London telephone booth red!

  • A different Elizabeth

    What a fantastic idea these boxes are. I have an 8 year old and a 10 year old. Please tell the company they should make boxes for older kids too!

  • Steph

    Hi! Just signed up for the newsletter. I’ve been hearing about these fabulous boxes more and more, and after hearing it from you…that’s it! I must have one!

  • Tami Hatfield

    This looks awesome! I signed up for the newsletter. Thanks for the introduction! Love it!

  • Milissa

    I signed up for the newsletter. The projects sound like a great idea for educational entertainment.

  • Rita

    I signed up for the newsletter. Looks like so much fun and would be great to wait for the arrival of the box each month. Glad things came together for the apartment.

  • MrsJ

    This looks soooo cool! I signed up for the newsletter and can’t wait to give this as a gift to someone! Neat idea and thank you!

  • Bryn

    Signed up for newsletter…I love these boxes! My girl is only 4 months old, but she’ll love them when she gets older.

  • Linda Stewart

    How cool! I signed up for their newsletter and would love to be able to afford the boxes for the boys … unfortunately finances don’t allow for a lot of fun stuff anymore so winning a box would be like the best thing ever! Hope you plan to share that rainbow hat with us :)

  • anj

    Just signed up for the newsletter. Wow, this homeschooling family would love to try this! Thanks for the chance.

  • Marissa

    What a wonderful subscription for little ones! I just signed up for the newsletter. Can’t wait to see how Bug’s hat turned out! :o)

  • Raquel

    Thanks for the fun and picture filled review. I signed up for the newsletter and am crossing my rainbow-stained fingers (my daughter and I have been playing with colored bubbles!) :)

  • Danna

    How awesome! My daughter would eat that stuff up…it looks like lots of fun.
    I signed up for the newsletter although the monthly membership is out of my budget at the moment. I still would love to try and win one. :)


  • Alexandra

    This looks amazing – so many great activities in just one box, and I love how you can get more than just a little play out of each of them (bubbles, prism, et.). I signed up for the newsletter.

  • Stacy

    What fun! I’ve signed up for the newsletter. Look forward to finding out more about their products.

  • Kuky

    That looks like fun! I signed up for the newsletter and I’m thinking of sending a gift box to my nephew who just had a birthday recently. But he’s not in the recommended age group. He just turned eight. Do you think he’s too old?

  • JenniferW

    I just wonder how I never know about these things before you find them :) My four year old would LOVE this!!