• cc

    I love that you use Instagram as much as I do!

    I remember when you bought those HK jammies for Amber. It’s a little sad that Bug has finally outgrown them. Save them for me please. I have a project in mind.

  • Kristen Fritz

    I’m not usually a commenter, but I felt compelled to respond when I saw the title of your post because it sounds just like what I always say. The the days are long and sometime seem to drag on forever, but the years are fleeting.

  • Lisa

    I just finished reading The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin about 2 weeks ago and that was one of the big quotes that stuck with me. Very insightful and makes you think differently about life once it’s in your head.

  • mjenne

    i just printed and use your vday cards from 2009. adorable! and perfect for my son’s preschool class. just wanted to say thanks for sharing your creativity!

  • BeachMama

    So true, some days seem to go on forever and then all of a sudden the years have passed and your children are grown up and you wonder where the time went.