Eye Spy

lemonade in jars


I was fretting about what kind of drinks to serve at Bug’s Fairy party next weekend. I wanted the fancy soda pop bottles with stripey straws but I didn’t want to shell out the cash. I had visions of foamy punch but the cups were kind of getting me down. The glass cups I have are too fancy for little kids and paper cups just bug me for some reason. (I’m a snob. I admit it.) Then it dawned on me that I have a tree busting with lemons that are ripe! I could make gallons of lemonade for the price of a few cups of sugar, buy a couple of flats of mason jars and call it done! I can even punch holes in the mason jar lids and create a kid-friendly sippy cup with those stripey straws that I love so much. (Anna and I tested it.) I might even hot-glue-gun some flowers to the tops to make them extra-fairy-fancy!