• Buddies,  my books,  SAJ's Stealthy Book Tour

    Book Tour Day Two: The letter B!

    B is for Balancing Everything!


    B is for Bethany Actually too!

    (click on the photos for direct links to their blog posts)

    You might think B is for Bumbling Idiot because apparently Brenda double-booked the letter B. Actually this might happen again along the tour because it’s tricky scheduling 26 bloggers to post on a certain day! I feel for all those rockstars who cancel tour dates. I may play a stealthy secret spy on the internet but in real life I’m a regular frazzled mom making typos and mixing dates up.

    So there you have it TWO chances to win a free print and collect a clue.

    I’m so excited about Jessica’s craft. It’s a level three top secret craft. I dare you to try and make it. Triple dog dare you!

  • BIG news,  my books,  SAJ's Stealthy Book Tour

    Operation Book Tour has launched!

    A is for A Girl and a Boy

    First stop: A girl and a boy! My good old friend Leah! I love her so much. I’m sure you will too if you don’t already. She’s posting my first top secret craft too. Click on over stealthy friends!

    For those of you like to play along there will be a special spy sentence hidden in each blog post along the 26 blog tour. If you can find all 26 sentences, we have a special stealthy prize for you!