15 minute posts,  artsy fartsy,  Bug,  how-to's,  painting,  Tis the Season

Something Creepy This Way Comes

cardboard whispering

Sometimes when a craft works out really well, you just gotta do it again and again. In fact, I think I’m going to make this a tradition for us.


oooooooooooo..... ghostie

painting mess-making

It’s just fun and CHEAP! All you need are some cardboard boxes (which I have plenty thanks to a super fun backyard Angry Birds game—hope you didn’t want that guitar box back Carrien), paint, maybe a box-cutter and some box-cutting skillz.


Cut them out, paint them, let them dry and you are set for Halloween.

halloween cat

Put them in your window and let the creepiness take over.

I keep thinking this cat is real out of the corner of my eye

This one really gets me. I keep thinking it’s a real cat out of the corner of my eye. That’s Bug’s handiwork. I guess she knows how to draw cats pretty well.

haunted trailer

The cool thing is: as it gets darker and darker they just get cooler and cooler.


they just get creepier and creepier

And creepier and creepier…wooooooOOOOOOoooooooooh……


  • gingermog

    Once again I love this craft. Silhouettes are wonderful! I do puppet shows with them sometimes! Shame I only have one front window onto the street. I have steps from the road which you need to come down to access my apartment.. this year as well as my pumpkin I think I will try your silhouette idea and maybe some cobwebs and spiders. Heh heh

  • Jaynette

    I really like the cat face just peaking over the windowcill. And Bug’s of course. She sure can draw a great cat.

  • MargieK

    My mom used to do something similar with construction paper. We’d cut out cats, witches, bats, etc. in black; moons and jack-o-lanterns in orange and tape them to the windows. Fun!

  • rapunzel

    wow it looks like you guys are having fun down there i wish i were down there with you. the only thing we have in our windows are stickers and white pumpkins