15 minute posts,  Alpha+Mom post,  artsy fartsy

Quick, quick, QUICK! Update!

cake walk contribution

This week has been a whirlwind but I like being busy so that’s good.

First of all I want to tell everyone thank you for the book tour response! You guys make me feel like I can actually do this. My publisher and I are still working out the schedule for the virtual tour so if you haven’t heard from me it doesn’t mean I’m blowing you off, it just means I’m behind in emailing (like usual. Arg).

me and my face painting kit. I'm so excited to be face painting at the bug's school carnival tonight. Woot!

I’m off to face paint at Bug’s fall carnival! (Like my kit? I’m such a pro now, with one party under my belt. Ha ha) The cake at the top is my contribution to the cake walk. I love being a mom of a kindergartener. School events are so much fun. I wish I could do it for five years in a row and skip the teenage years.

Speaking of, have you seen Bug in her Halloween costume? I feel like I’m looking into the future and it makes my heart hurt. Stop growing up, BUG! Stopit!!

happy Halloween bride

school pictures

Bug’s school pictures came in. She looks so much like Toby! That jaw! And me. That round chin, poor kid. I wish I could find that old post where I amalgamated our faces to see what she would look like before she was born. Found it! Thank you Dana! I think they came true.

post #cherryjam

We went to a Strawberry Shortcake event yesterday to promote the new Cherry Jam character that is Strawberry Shortcake’s new best friend. I’ll have to post more about that later on my review blog because they hooked me up with a bunch of swag I need to give away. Videos anyone? Stay tuned.


And lastly, don’t miss my Dia de Los Muertos craft on Alpha+Mom. It’s so easy and quick. Even the black-thumb crafters could do it!

Now I’m making like a tree and leaving! Swoosh! That’s me gone.


  • Madge

    I’m LOVING being a Kindergarten mom. There is always something to do, the teacher always appreciates any help we can offer. I have reasons to bake yummy things. FUN FUN FUN.

    When I saw that Bride picture earlier all I could think about was the future. YIKES!

  • Kuky

    Wow bug is looking so big. So, weird. Every once in a while Isabelle will mention her. I don’t know how she can remember her name from just that one visit. They were so small then. And that’s with her not remembering my best friend’s name who she sees tons. Huh…thinking on it now, it’s probably because I read your blog and she’s used to seeing bug that way…

  • Rapunzelmc

    wow! I can’t beleive how fast she is growing! hope you guys had a happy halloween, and that you had fun at the carnival. I remember when I first went to the carnival I had soooo much fun. plse have bug call me I would loooove to hear what she did.