15 minute posts,  instagram

it rained today

it's raining!

The power even went out. For an hour. Not too terribly bad. Just bad enough to realize that Wow, I don’t have any candles anymore. I’ve finally managed to get rid of them all.

2nd cup of coffee

I love the hipstamatic app on my phone.

Brrrrrrrrrruurrry brrrrrrrrrrr!

Maybe too much.

finally finishing up october's banner

And I made a new banner today!

Bug is not actually going to dress up as an Angry Bird for Halloween. She’s going to be a bride. I’ll have pictures later.

As you know, my aunt is a seamstress and she had to take this really long pretty train off a wedding dress. It was about a thousand pounds of fussy white tulle—so pretty! The bride didn’t want the leftover train and my aunt didn’t want it either so I sewed it onto an old ratty tank top that Bug had (with help from my mom) and now it’s a bride costume. Bug LOVES it. She wants to wear it every day and drag it around in the dirt pretending she’s marrying the boy down the street. I have to admit it’s pretty cool. I’ll have her try it on tomorrow and take a picture for you.

I do actually have a real post brewing in my head. I’ve been trying to get it here for days but my peak writing time keeps getting taken up with other stuff. So for now you just get a quick check in. Hi!