Beach Bits,  Buddies,  Bug,  coffee!coffee!coffee!

A weekend with friends.

I don’t know the last time I did something clichéd like go camping or have a picnic on a holiday weekend. I think most of these sorts of things just get turned into any other day for people like me. When you’re a freelancer, every day is Monday and every day is Saturday so holidays were just days when the post office is closed and there are more people on the road making all kinds of traffic and beaches are crowded.

But now I have a kid in school and everything is different! I have to set an alarm to make sure we get up in time and then I watch the clock to make sure I don’t forget to pick her up from school. Imagine that, I’m a slave to the work-week schedule just like anyone else. And you know what that means besides making me an annoyed clock-watcher? Holidays and weekends are more special now! Woooo-Hooooo! TGIF means something to me now!

Camp Blue

So you know what Bug and I did for our very first special holiday weekend? We went camping. With friends. For the WHOLE weekend. It was awesome.

American Jedi and his kid

First we hung out with these monkeys.

ipad: world's best babysitter

happy rug crawler

This baby is so photogenic.

Then we went to the beach. Good thing I had my new handy-dandy smart phone since I forgot to charge the batteries for my handy-dandy underwater camera.

This is Carrien (pronounced Kareen) who I met through this blog. Funny how that works. (I have a better picture of her further down.)


Then we went to her in-laws and camped in their front yard. As you can see their front yard is nothing to sneeze at. I didn’t do a very good job at taking an establishing shot (perhaps I was too busy having fun) but the inside of their house was amazing and I did manage a few random shots here and there. I hope they don’t mind me posting.


I loved it there. It felt like home. Someday I want to have a home like this. Maybe not as big (they have eight kids) but as welcoming. That was what made it special. It was this big sprawling ranch house with art everywhere and a long country table that invited you to sit down with your coffee AND your laptop. I loved that there were probably at least four or five laptops sitting around at all times. Nobody thought it was rude if you looked down to check your phone.






Aaron makes the coffee turkish coffee

Turkish coffee

Carrien’s husband, Aaron, made me Turkish coffee. It was really good with a lot of sugar and no cream. I’d never tried it before but I found I liked it. Like that’s a big surprise. Any kind of coffee made with care is probably going to go over really well with me. I was happy. Coffee, wifi, good company…it was wonderful. I could spend the whole weekend there and I did!

Baby J


Bug was having her own kind of fun: kids and bouncing. They had a trampoline and a swing-set and a clubhouse and of course lots of hills and trees and rocks to explore. She was in heaven.



white pomegranates

There was pomegranate picking…

pomegranite seeds


and chickens

egg collecting

and egg collecting (photo by Aaron)

And a fire pit! We roasted hot dogs and marshmallows.


And then we camped under the stars.

Camping bed head.

Camping bedhead brought to you by Instagram!

Also, it rained! At 4 o’clock in the morning I felt this faint mist on my face. I thought it was a very pleasant dream but then I woke up and quickly went into survival-girl mode. I put the rain guard on in the dark as lightning flashed around me. Within minutes the raindrops fell. It wasn’t a very heavy rain but it was enough to soak one of the other tents that didn’t have a rain guard. I’m glad I’m one of those people who wakes up pretty easily otherwise this post would have been about a whole other kind of adventure.

morning visitors

We did have a visit from the ranch dogs who were terrified of the lightning but thankfully Bug was pretty aggressive at telling them to get out while I was outside putting on the rain guard. Living with my mom’s dog, Spreckles, has definitely taught Bug how to handle dogs with authority. She’s no wimp.

La Jolla

You’d think that would sum up our super-fun weekend but you would be wrong. We also went to church (after camping!) and to La Jolla for a picnic lunch and some tide pool sight-seeing.


ready to go down

tide pools

Carrien and Jellybean


At one part there was a ravine full of kelp. We were all curious how deep it went. So of course we had to investigate.

kelp stomping

It was about a foot and a half deep. The kids had a blast walking around in it, jumping in it and generally slipping and sliding and not paying attention to the try-not-to-get-wet admonishments. Who are we kidding? We all knew they were going to get soaking wet anyway. It’s the beach and they are kids!

modeling their side knots

So they sported the side-knot—a new look for fall.

AND THEN!! As if we hadn’t done enough, we went to a birthday party and the kids slid down this thing:

crazy bounce house water slide

splash zone

I’d never even seen one of these before. What a riot! I really should have gotten a swimsuit on and tried it myself but it was in the late afternoon and I was too busy sitting with my mom-friends chatting.

little camper

It’s safe to say that everyone slept well after this day. Rain or no rain.


We were very sad to go home. I think I’m adding their neighborhood to my list of possible places to move in June.


  • Melissa K. in Nebraska

    What a fun, jam-packed weekend. I see Miss Bug has a black striped parisian-style shirt like her mom. Too cute.

  • Julia

    I love weekends like that – long enough to have so much fun, but short enough to not get sick of it :) Bug’s hair is SO long….love it!

  • carrien (she laughs at the days)

    You have the sexiest camping bed head ever.

    That last photo of the Girl in her auntie’s boots is making me crack up.

    Thank-you so much for coming to join us for our weekend and helping make it special. I’m so glad there are photos of the whole adventure. :)

  • paisley

    Oh, Bluesborough, how I love you. Thanks for the wonderful pics. We are friends of theirs IRL, and moved away to Connecticut. Miss them all dearly. Now I will be adding your blog to the list of those I read. Blessings

  • OMSH

    Carrien – are you reading this?
    As in, RIGHT NOW!
    I will leave my laptop out, put the milk back in time fridge, never-ever make fun of your husband’s kilt, and totally drink your coffee and eat your food and stare at your artwork.

  • gingermog

    Looks like you had a great weekend. What a lovely, big, open house your friends have. I’d like big space like that to live in.

    I must say the girls are brave to wade in kelp. I just hate walking through the stuff or accidentally swimming through a patch. All those hidden crabs wanting to bite your toes off and long strands of seaweed getting tangled amongst your person . Uch a fi ( yuk in Welsh – my mother tounge)

  • OMSH

    @carrien – I actually can spell (previous comment), but apparently not on my iPhone! HA!

    That is the first thing that I saw (in my anal retentiveness) – THE MILK! THE MILK! PUT IT BACK IN THE FRIG!!!!!