I'm an idiot

Splash Central

I <3 my yard

I bought a five dollar slip-n-slide yesterday. You might as well call me a sucker. You know how those things work: You throw yourself down on the rock-hard ground and then slide along in the mud and bits of grass, giving yourself a nice grass burn, until you hit the end with a big splash of muddy water up your nose. It’s all very painful and insane. But it’s been hot and I’m trying to keep the kids from going too crazy. Beat-up and bruised or insane? I choose bruised.

squige instructional

trying to get the hang of it spliiiiiiiiiiiish!

ready, set... bleeped

water nut kersplat

And of course I had to show them how it’s done.

not too old to slip-n-slide

I am turning thirty-nine next week so I feel the need to brag that I’m not too old to slip-n-slide. What scratches all over my knees, elbows and upper thighs? Those are just beauty marks, right?


  • Christine

    Our slip’n’slide came with two little inflatable boogie boards. Not that I’ve tried it myself, but it looks like it makes it a slightly less bruising experience.

  • Kuky

    You know, I don’t think I’ve ever tried a slip and slide. I always wanted to though when I was younger. We’re thinking of making one of those pvc drill holes water sprinkling out all over the place for kids to run through things. Not the same but looks like fun too.

    And the bleep…hee hee. Wish they had those in real life.

  • jen

    Girl. That Slip N Slide is NOT complete without dish SOAP!! :)

    Looks like a perfect day!
    Jen in GA (and on Facebook!) :)

  • Lauren Elizabeth

    Love love loved slip n slides as a kid!!

    Adding dish soap makes it so much more fun – however it can get in your eyes and mannn that stuff stings!! We found a nice alternative by using no tears baby shampoo!

  • Janna

    Baby shampoo on top for extra speed and an inexpensive egg crate mattress cut up to the size of the slip and slide underneath- instant comfort. :)

  • Heidi

    Happy early birthday! What day? Mine is the 10th. :) You are the most wonderful Mom! I’m inspired every time I visit. xoxoxo

  • Amy

    I have been having my ’29th’ birthday for about 16 years now ;)

    You are so young at heart, beautiful and creative, I had you pegged at about 31!

    Happiest of Birthdays Secret Agent!

  • Yara

    Please tell me where you found a $5 slip & slide. I saw one for $30, and that is just insane.
    Yours looks really fun!

  • TexasLea

    It’s been years since I’ve been on a slip n slide and those pics bring back so many fun memories. I see others have already told you to use the baby shampoo. The egg crate thing is pure genius! We would use flattened cardboard boxes to slide on until they got soggy. We also used tent stakes to hold down black trash bags we’d wet with the hose at the end of our slip n slide to extend the run. Back then, we had no little inflatable bump at the end, it was just slide until you hit the mud and grass. Those were the days! I may have to make a run to the dollar store and see if I can find a cheap slip n slide myself this weekend…. right after I go make some iced coffee. :)

  • gingermog

    Happy 4th of July!

    I have never experienced a slip n slid but I can imagine the fun. Wed id have one of those circular sprinkler things for the lawn though which I can remember running through :)