• 15 minute posts,  Bug,  heavy on photos


    dolphin food

    Bug is a pretty imaginative child. I can’t believe I used to fret that she would not be creative because I was always making things up for her. There was a time when I thought she would NEVER learn how to play by herself. It was exhausting. Well, that is not a problem anymore. This kid comes up with the craziest games and stories for herself. I want to say I couldn’t make this stuff up but that’s not entirely true. I probably could make stuff up like this but I didn’t and it’s awesome.

    obviously a dolphin tail

    She’s a dolphin. Can’t you tell by the blue leggings and white flipper arms covered by a blue tank top? And of course the blue sock flipper tail. That’s a dead give away. Dur!

    eeeeeeeh eeeeeeeh!

    Also the “eeeeeeeeeeech! eeeeeech!” screechings should be a clue.


    She even made her own fish food.

    scary dolphin

    Poor little fishies are going to be devoured by the voracious dolphin.

    doing tricks for her fish catching a fish in her mouth

    She also does tricks for her food.

    dolphin eating

    And she’s very trainable. I just need to train her to clean up her room afterwards.

  • 15 minute posts,  B reviews,  place holder posts,  Shop Talk



    First, we have a winner for The Eve Tree! Email me your address Peggy and I will send you the book. I’m sure you will enjoy it.

    Second, I am swamped with work. This is a really good thing but a little scary because I have deadlines looming and possibly not enough time to do my best work. I guess I’m just sharing that here so that you know what’s up if this blog goes quiet for a week or so. Though, I bet now that I’ve written that I’ll find a million and one ways to make time for blogging. I always like to make myself eat my words.

    Third, if anyone wants to, you can buy my book (only $2.99!) and review it on Amazon! I will send you a copy of my alphabet cards (the nice ones that are not available in my shop right now). I just need three more reviews to hit that magical amazon number. Yes, the book is only available in electronic version for the kindle, iphone and ipad right now but it will be out in print sometimes soon I hear. I’ll keep you posted.

    Updated to add: THANK YOU! I have ten reviews now and I’m out of alphabet cards for the time being.

    Fourth, today is the last day to comment on my Degree post over on my review site if you want to win some mulah. Tomorrow I’ll have a new post reporting on my work-out progress that you will also be able to comment on to win $100. Spoiler: I didn’t do so hot. SAJ is all work and no working out these days which is bad bad bad. Check in tomorrow to see the sad report. New post is up!

    Fifth, Aqui has not had her kittens yet but she does have an appointment with the vet on Wednesday just to get checked out. She seems to be quite happy and content in spite of her girth. I’ll keep you posted on that too.

    Sixth, my nieces are not here. They are visiting their other grandparents for two weeks so that is why you haven’t had any “Girls of Summer” updates.

    And that’s all I got! Now back to work!