15 minute posts,  easy on the words,  gardening,  heavy on photos,  Newsbreaking Hair News,  Niece-com-poops,  Slow News Day,  the sticks,  Tis the Season


spotty fruit

I think it’s safe to say that summer is here but then who knows, it is still June. The mornings are still chilly. But the fruit is here!

giant happy squash plant

And my garden is exploding!

tomatoes! flat peas!

I’m such a happy farmer. I’m sure my neighbor thinks I’m a genuine nut with all the watering I do and the walking around crouching down taking pictures of things. It’s like they are my babies.


The kids are doing great. They are properly bored as they should be so their imaginations can grow, grow, GROW!! We have no television (it’s a godsend, believe me) and they spend almost 100% of their time outdoors making up complicated games and cluttering up my yard. But I don’t mind. I’m just happy that Bug has playmates. We’ve come a long way from being bored in the beach-house living room and watching Nickelodeon all day.

my assistant who doesn't assist much

Of course I still have the internet so we struggle with that. I’m probably going to have to start clocking how much time the teenager puts in on Facebook.

There are swimsuits hung on the line…


…movies to be watched in the living room where the daylight seems to last forever.

my hair is long enough to put up!

And I’m wearing my hair up! A sure sign of summer.


  • bethany actually

    Cool mornings? I’m completely envious. We went outside at 8am to check on Miss Joan’s cat (she’s out of town) and it was already 90 and stinking humid. Summer here bites.

  • bethany

    lovely, all of it. and i need to clock how much time *I* spend on the internet, no better than a teenager here! you have come a long way and made it work, and the memories getting racked up this summer will be the stuff of legend when they’re past their teens … enjoy!

  • Madge

    We haven’t gotten warm enough for swimsuits yet, but the garden is starting up and there’s lots of outdoor play happening. The June Gloom is lasting a little bit further into the afternoon, it’s misty raining right now. When the clouds roll by and the soft breezes kick up, I’m happy.

    Here’s to another great summer!

  • Alexandra

    Your garden looks wonderful–kudos on all your loving care. Isn’t it like Christmas every morning when you can see what’s come up? I get so excited to see the progress.

  • kate

    I’m another garden weirdo, getting all excited with new growth! Your garden looks wonderful! I am playing with the idea of getting rid of the t.v. (truth be told I’m a late night t.v. addict), especially with the summer here. Looks like your in for an awesome summer!

  • Ninabi

    How fun! What a good summer in so many ways.

    What are the yellow fruits in the top picture?

    SAJ says: They’re apricots! They’re supposed to be range but they aren’t quite ripe yet. :)

  • TexasLea

    I’m jealous of your cool mornings too. It’s hot here now all. the. time. My tomato plants are looking more like weeping willows already.

    It’s cool the kids are keeping themselves occupied without much coaxing. Woo Hoo for visiting cousins!!!

    I’m cracking up on Bug’s latest tweet. I am curious as to what exactly the stuffed animals are demanding? :o)

  • Kuky

    What fun! Do you have proper shade in your yard? We don’t and it’s sooooooooo hot in the summer. I would encourage Isabelle to go outside more frequently if we had shade and she didn’t get nosebleeds in the heat.

  • cc

    Next time I pack for Suki I will call you first. I don’t think her and Bug have many outfits that will coordinate as well as the one pictured/

  • gingermog


    I think its great that all the girls are together for the summer. I hope they are not eating you out of house and home. I always used to forget how much the boys could eat when they were younger and keep on eating, their appetites were bottomless, but now they are all six foot so it all went to good use :)

    We had Summer in the UK for a while but now its raining. Sounds nice on the flat roof of my studio.

    Have a great day xx

  • BeachMama

    Love it!! You are truly the bestest Auntie in the world!! I am looking forward to summer sticking around, we seem to get a few days of summer then a few days of sprig back again, getting tired of pulling out the sweaters and long pants after putting them away.