15 minute posts,  domesticity,  easy on the words,  Stealthy Spy Cooking,  Tis the Season

Popsicle o’clock


You know what brings all the kids to my yard? Popsicles that’s what. I’m keeping the whole neighborhood regular with these fruity yogurt pops. They are so delicious and good for you! Well, not counting the sugar in the vanilla yogurt I add… but the fruit! Delicious summer fruit!

we scream for POPSICLES! summer girl

apricots and strawberies

This week I added apricots to the mix since we have so many of them. They are so tasty all blended up!

vanilla yogurt makes the world go 'round fruity sludge


And pretty too!

popsicle o' clock

It’s popsicle o’clock!

Now go make some. Here’s my official recipe:

Cut your ripe juicy fruit up (maybe a cup or two). Add two heaping big spoons of vanilla yogurt, blend in your trusty blender, pour into your popsicle mold of choice, freeze for a day and EAT!