15 minute posts,  Buddies,  easy on the words,  heavy on photos,  spilling my guts,  travel

Hoop There It Is!


practicing for their album cover

take two


surfin' usa walk like an Egyptian



these hips are good for something

It’s a regular six-ring circus around here!

Just kidding. Even though the Omsh’s are loads of fun—they are loud and crazy and loving like nobody’s business—I’m finding real peace out here. I think I needed to just stop and listen and figure out where my life was going. I’m almost ready to go back, but not quite. I thought staying for ten days was way too long. I thought for sure they would be sick of me by day three. But now that my trip is winding up, I don’t think ten days is enough.


  • bethany actually

    I’ve been telling you for two years now that you and Bug don’t start to stink after three days, or even three weeks! Are you finally starting to believe that your friends actually LOVE having you around? :-)

  • Teresa Metts

    That was so funny, I was looking at the pictures, and recognized the OMSH kids first, forgot what blog I was looking at and thought, that looks like Bug, Then I saw you and was totally confused….lol……I didn’t realize you all knew each other, I read OMSH’s post’s on Pioneer Woman’s blog….what a small world!

  • JennyBean

    Very cute pics, it looks like the kids are having a grand time together. Enjoy the rest of your trip. You can come visit Cape Town if you really need a change of scenery, haha. :)

  • shawntelle p.

    I agree with pinky. The last photo of you in that perfect-colors-for-a-plaid-dress is awesome. Glad to see it’s still impossible to not smile while hoopin’!

  • Ninabi

    You look so happy in the last photo. I’m glad you are having a good time in Texas, as is Bug.

    Sometimes distance gives great perspective.

    Enjoy the carefree days with the hula hoops and friends!

  • Katie

    I love that all you bloggers know eachother (Bethany, OMSH, Ree, You)! And I love when you end up on each other’s blogs, it cracks me up. Like when network shows would do crossovers, ya know? Totally random, but it looks like so much fun! I’m from Texas and I hope OMSH is feeding you Blue Bell ice cream and if not go getcha some! And kolaches! Do the OMSH’s know kolaches??

  • OMSH

    Katie, do the OMSH’s know kolaches?
    Does a pig crawl in a blanket covered with cheese, jalapenos, and anything else that will melt or cause indigestion?

    Blue Bell
    Wonder if it’s on sale at Kroger this week?

  • OMSH

    I honestly think Bug might have to stay here.
    I call it “Pink Therapy”.
    Of course, that would mean Brenda would have to stay too. *snort*
    Kenny said he’d give up his room for as long as is needed.