Buddies,  party party

This is how we dot it!


The spotty dotty baby shower for Bethany went off smashingly.

the patio

twisty twister operator

feeling dotty a little help

chicken dance polka hoopster

Everybody twisted and polka’d, hula-hooped and waved their hands in the air like they just didn’t care. I even danced a bit myself! It was a royal dotty good time.


wee masterpiece Margie and Annalie

the art

Of course there was a craft project. A party is not a party if we aren’t crafting!

just dot it artist table

a rainbow with dotty rain drops

I made up some dot-to-dot sheets and put out a bowl of brightly colored puffballs and some glitter glue. The kids had at it with wild dotty abandon. I had my doubts about the glitter glue. It was a bit messy but it did keep the children occupied for quite a while. And then it kept the host of the house vacuuming for quite a bit after that. (Though mostly I think the sandbox and the eight thousand kids going in and out the back door were to blame.)

the dotty food

Moving on to food! Everyone contributed. There were dotty salads and of course dotty candy. Bethany made delicious vanilla cupcakes with cheesecake-and-strawberry-preserve filling and then the kids decorated them with dotty candy! I know, the guest of honor is not supposed to bake her own cupcakes but this is Bethany we are talking about. She wanted them to taste good, which meant she had to make them herself. If she left the baking to me, she’d end up with very beautiful but not-so-great tasting box-mix cupcakes. I accept my limitations.

tah dah!

dotty cupcake decorating

The decorate-your-own cupcake idea was all Annalie’s. I wanted to micro-manage the dot-decorating process (of course) but it turned out to be way more fun to let everyone do their own. Plus, it was a great way to use the candy bar again.

dotty candy

Those IKEA jars have more than paid for themselves.

strawberry mint infusion

Sonja made strawberry-mint—infused water. I was skeptical at first, thinking it would taste like watery juice, but it was actually really refreshing and delicious! Bug kept helping herself to glass after glass. I’m thinking I might have to try this at home.

strawberry mint infused water glug glug

Glug glug!

dotty party napkins

And my mom made napkins! I love her. She’s going to have these in her shop soon too! She’s selling them in her shop now so you can play along at home.

Sonja and Annika

CC Rapunzel

Sue and Bethany

Annika and Grace

Summer, Bethany, Katie

Jen and Bethany and kids... definitely caffienated


tah dot!

But mostly it was fun to hang out with a bunch of friends who are really good spots…er, I mean sports!

Happy Baby Shower, Bethany!


  • darci

    If I ever have a baby, I sure hope I have a friend as creative as you to throw the party :)

    SAJ says: thank you but this was definitely a group effort. I just blogged it first. :)

  • Erin

    You guys should seriously start your own party planning biz! You a re all so talented! It looks like loads of fun,a nd I love all the bright colors. It reminds me of the circus I wanted for Bethany’s wedding! Did you guys make Bethany’s shirt, too?

    So sad I couldn’t be there.

    SAJ says: Bethany made it! She’s clever with dottery that way. We missed you!

  • Madge

    I’m so glad that Bethany made her own cupcakes, they were delicious :) Another highly entertaining party full of laughter and love. SUCCESS!!!

  • Erin

    Love the new animation. If I stare at it long enough, it feels like you are trying to tell me something about Bug Twitters! Hehe

  • Sonja von Franck

    Looks like another successful party! Love the theme and how everyone pitched in. Parties and baby showers can be a lot of work when one or even two people take it on. Glad to see you all working together to celebrate the new arrival!

  • Annika

    We had a great time! Especially my little man of questionable manners. (I never thought I’d be the mom of the kid who takes his pants off at parties, but there you have it.)

  • Rachel

    At first I really liked your new banner – then I noticed the eyes moving. Now it is watching me and I am uncomfortable…

  • Katrina

    That looks like a fantastic party!! I am so impressed (and jealous) by your creativity!! You should really start your own party planning business!! It looks like everyone had a wonderful time!!