Buddies,  unpackamania,  Washington D.C.

DC Blogger Meet-Ups


We took a break from unpacking today to meet one of my oldest blogging friends, Carrie from Queen of Rambles who happens to live in the DC area. I know Carrie from way way way back. In fact, I think her blog was the second blog I stumbled across before I even knew what blogging was. So it was a treat to meet her in real life. It reaffirms for me that the internet is indeed one of the greatest ways to meet wonderful friends.

Carrie is just as funny in person as she is online and sweet too. (Which by the way is quite impressive considering she’s eight months pregnant and has every right to be grouchy and unsociable.) I’m actually a little sad that I don’t live here and we can’t meet up regularly. But I have given Bethany strict instructions that they are to become good friends and have playdates regularly so I can live vicariously through them after I go home.

getting along swimmingly

The kids got along swimmingly of course which made it super nice for the moms who just wanted to relax and talk. Bethany’s very yummy carrot-cake cupcakes with browned-butter frosting might have something to do with the all-around happiness.

silly kids

wack-a-friend Buggity Bug

Good weather and cardboard castles on the deck are always good for play dates too. I wish I had a deck like this at home. Of course I have the beach so I have no right being jealous but I admit I have to keep reminding myself that it’s super muggy here in the summer so I don’t want to move here.

Castle on the deck Lily

The weather here really has been so beautiful. I’ve never experienced Spring like this before. When I got here everything was brown and icy. There were still patches of muddy snow in random places and the ground was mucky to walk on but in a matter of days the sky is bright blue, the grass is turning green and the trees are covered with little tiny buds. There are birds and squirrels everywhere. This morning I saw a red cardinal for the first time in my life. I had to get up from my breakfast and exclaim about it a little bit which made Bethany chuckle because I guess cardinals are about as common as seagulls are back home.

feeling right at home peek-a-annalie

Even though we are having a swell time just hanging out at Bethany’s, I think by next week we should be done with the unpacking and ready to see some of the local sights. I’m very excited about the Spy Museum. AND! I’m planning a meet up for local readers and friends this Sunday. Email me if you want details and the secret code phrase. Oh yeah, we’re stealthy like that.


  • mar

    We went to the Spy Museum – my kids are a little older than Bug and Annalie, but there are plenty of buttons to push, tunnels to crawl through, etc., so they should have fun! My husband and I loved it too!

    SAJ says: Good to know! I was actually worried about the kids getting bored and rushing us through when admission is not exactly cheap. So thank you. That is a relief.

  • Leesa

    is Bethany giving away her carrot cake cupcake recipe? They sound nice and I love to cook. Happy unpacking still!

  • K

    I think you brought this beautiful weather with you from Cali! it’s been incredible and I hear this weekend is only going to get better.
    Also- the Spy Museum was my most favorite museum in DC! I was not excited to pay for it but it was well worth the money. We didn’t take any kids with us but we felt like kids the whole time we were there. It’s so interactive! And yes, there are cool tunnels and such to climb through. I think Bug and Annalie will have a great time there.

  • s

    A couple years back, Family Fun mag had a travel article on the DC area and there were some free and cheap things to do with kids (something to do with the treasury?) anyways might be worth looking it up on their site!

  • netfrog

    I’ve been to the Spy Museum. I thought it was great but just be prepared that Bug might not find it as interesting. Lots of things to look at and read- not as many fun interactive exhibits and those that were there had long lines. Maybe you will get lucky and it will be a slow day! Have fun as a tourist in DC. It’s one of my favorite places to visit.

  • BeachMama

    Oh if I wasn’t going to be going to a Workshop in MD the week after your meet up, I would so be there. But, I just can’t see me making the drive two weekends in a row :(

    And the Spy museum, that is so Secret Agent :)

  • Christine

    Hi! Hi! I’m in (near) DC and don’t have anything planned for this Sunday. And I have an almost four-year-old (boy) and a very very cute 16 month old (girl).

    You should go to the Building Museum. It’s free, and there’s tons of space to run around and build things with giant legos and blocks and stuff. And the building is really cool and they have the best gift shop too.

  • Saple

    Spring is unique in the midwest.. That first warm day helps rekindle everyones spirits and gives us all hopes but as everything becomes green and grows… it really is a rebirth

  • Jenna

    Ohhh, I would totally love to come to your DC meet up…I’d beg to join in but I’m taking my 7 year old daughter to a NoVa American Girl fashion show/tea party. Can’t wait to see who all you get to meet!
    And yes, these past few days are as good as it gets around here…that is to say pretty darn perfect. But the summers. Ugh.

  • Christine

    BTW, there’s also a great kids’ zone in the Museum of American History, as well as the other good things to see there, like Julia Child’s kitchen and the First Ladies’ dresses. Definitely good for a rainy day (like Monday or Tuesday, perhaps).

  • gingermog

    Hello are you guys still having fun together in DC? I’ve been enjoying your colourful photographs. Beautiful lighting and cute kids having fun. A few years back I went to the Space Museum and was so impressed with the Apollo 11 capsule. 3 grown men packed inside that tiny thing! Wow and the heat burns on the outside from re-entry! Really brought it home how amazing the whole space venture is and how brave the astronaunts are.

    I think you should convert your coat closet into your own work area. I created a fold out desk and built in shelving inside a closet in my bedroom (well actually I drew what I wanted and beloved Julian built it with some help from me) and its great! I’ll have to send you some photos. ( I cut down on my amount of clothes and stored some I might grow back into under the bed in old fashioned trunks curtsey of E-Bay and its totally worth it).