Bug,  domesticity,  Lemon Week,  Stealthy Spy Cooking

Lemon Week: The End

Lemon Week: The END

So um. I guess this is the end of Lemon Week. I was calling it citrus week earlier because I had tangelos too but we just ate those plain or gave them away. So there’s nothing all that exciting to report on the tangelo front. I still have a freezer full of lemon juice and zest so I guess I could continue with lemon week but it’s not the same as when you have a bowl of fresh ones on your counter threatening to mold if you don’t use them up.

As you can see I did not complete my mission successfully. When I looked at the fruit bowl this morning it was a sad sight. This week was fun though. My mom still has a tree full of lemons so maybe I’ll try it again next time I visit her.

I cook with lemon juice all the time just to “brighten” things up but this week was extra fun because it forced me to try new recipes and you all know how I am about recipes. They are a challenge! I actually had fun though and discovered some new things I like.

Lemon Honey Oregano Chicken

I made this Oregano-Lemon Chicken dish which I admit I was so not excited about. I did not expect it to taste good at all. It was way too easy to make and felt like I was just dumping some chicken in a pan, dumping some lemon juice with oregano in it and calling it a day. I was actually pleasantly surprised when 45 minutes later the chicken tasted pretty good.

It was a late night cooking so I took no photos of the completed dish. The light is horrible in my kitchen once the sun goes down. Also, it was the day before I needed to go grocery shopping so I was out of everything and just served it with boring old white rice and a side of butternut squash (TWO starches, as my mom would say disapprovingly). It wasn’t exactly photogenic.


However! Today I chopped it up and put it in a pita sandwich with sprouts, grape tomatoes, cucumbers and some plain yogurt and it was delicious!

sprouts, grape tomatoes, plain yogurt, lemon chicken and cucumbers!

I say anything that tastes good the next day cold is a winner!


Even Bug liked it!


  • bethany actually

    Oregano and lemon together are like magic. Add some garlic and you’d really be in business! (I know Toby doesn’t like that, but try it sometime when you’re just cooking for yourself.)

    Also, butternut squash is really good for you! It’s high in vitamins A and C and is a good source of fiber. And white rice isn’t a nutritional powerhouse like brown rice is, but it’s got complex carbs and some protien, and if it’s fortified it might have nutrients like calcium and iron too. So for the averagely healthy person those are both excellent food choices. :-) And I bet they were tasty with the chicken!

  • Kuky

    I’ll have to bookmark that to try. I keep trying to find different chicken recipes that both me and Alan will like. I try different ones all the time and think they’re yummy but Alan loves this old parmesan chicken recipe we’ve used for years. Nothing can beat it for Alan.

  • Madge

    butternut squash – pleh pleh!! :P

    That sandwich looks really yummy. The tangelos you gave me were starting to turn so Pixie, Sprite and I squeezed them all today and made the tastiest Tangelo-Ade. They slurped that stuff up!

    Now that you’ve wrapped up Citrus Week I think it’s time you share your Vegiladas recipe. :)

  • gingermog

    I’ve enjoyed your lemoney tales. I’ve never had a lemon bar but I think I’ll try the chicken recipie tonight if I can find some fresh Oregano on the way home! Have a wonderful weekend !

  • chelsie

    nice choice on the daisy, bug! the lemon and oregano chx sounds awesome, but that sanwich looks divine! add avocado and/or feta… maybe a fresh squeeze of lemon and I’m REALLY in! :-)

  • Amanda

    So I really shouldn’t read your blog until after I have eaten. I completely changed what was for dinner after seeing those pitas. The small grocers didn’t have sprouts :( but it was good just the same.
    The lemons may not have lasted, but the gerber daisy looks spectacular!