Eye Spy

Bunny Slippers!


Something cute and thrummy! Thrummy? Thrums are the little chunks of unspun fiber worked periodically into knitting to make these cute bunny slippers fuzzy! Now if only my Dad could make me these for me!


  • jen

    these look like a way better version of the bunny costume from the Christmas story! HA! I am a first time commenter but ( a bit shame faced) I read your blog daily! There’s something much more pleasant about blog reading than newspaper/magazine reading these days! Anywho! Thanks for opening your journal to the public… I love seeing all your crafty finds and projects and really enjoy your adventures with Bug! Merry Christmas!

  • Jen

    I am another Jen who thought of the Christmas Story. Actually, I just read the Craft blog about the bunny slippers. I will have to knit them though pink is not my color.