stealth club

Coloring Contest WINNERS!!!!


Guess what happens when somebody organizes a coloring contest and then goes on vacation and then comes home and gets sick with a zillion different illnesses and completely forgets about announcing a winner and all the kids sit home wondering why they even entered in the first place? The organizer hangs her head and shame and announces that EVERYBODY IS A WINNER!!! And EVERYBODY will get a prize! I guess it was a good contest to enter afterall!

So, if your coloring sheet is up there (and yes, I’m including the kids of the bigger variety and the kids who are my personal friends) send me your mailing info and I will expedite this prize stuff quickly before you all have my head!



  • Jennifer

    Yay! Gracie is so excited :) I can’t wait to tell Isaac when he gets home from school :) :) I can’t believe how sick you guys have been back to back..not fun at all! Hoping you can stay healthy now for a while! :)

  • Jennifer

    YAY! I showed Audrey and she’s so proud :) You don’t have to send us prizes, she is more than happy with the acknowledgment :)

    BTW, so happy to hear that everyone is better now. I was worried about all the sickies you guys were dealing with.