do me a favor,  illos

and that wraps up 2009!


I’ve finally finished up December for your downloading pleasure. And since I now have a whole year of designs I went in there and hand-typeset every single number for 2010. I wish I had a calendar generating program that worked with my illustrations but I don’t.


So here’s a deal: You can download it FREE until Monday if you don’t mind proof-reading it for me. I’m sure I’ve messed up at least one holiday or date. Then after Monday I’ll take down the pdf, fix up and typos and sell it in my shop for a few bucks.

Updated to add:

Thank you everybody! I should have you guys proof-read my work more often. The free download is no longer available but it’s all fixed up and in my shop for a buck! I’m hoping to make a printed version (spiral bound etc…) but it might not happen depending on my work load and how much attention my nearly-four-year-old demands. I personally like to put up two pages on my fridge side by side so I don’t have to flip between months. What are your thoughts? Spiral with a bigger design above the month? Months side by side spiral bound in the middle? Hmmmm!


  • ~moe~

    SAJ – Thanks for the calendars! They look great. The only two things I see, you don’t have Daylight Saving Time begins, and Saving doesn’t have an “s” on the end. :) These are very awesome, as usual. Thanks, again!

  • karen

    Thanks – I love your illustrations! I think “New Year’s Day” should have an apostrophe and “Father’s Day” is hanging sort of in the middle of the day, rather than at the bottom like other day titles. Also, the day title font seems really tiny in Sept, Oct, and Nov (or maybe my eyesight is worse as it gets colder?). Finally, you totally missed my birthday on December 9th. :)

  • Rebecca

    Yay! Yay! Yay! How very exciting! A whole year ready to go! I have really enjoyed them this year!

    The only thing that caught my eye was that Father’s Day is higher than it should be (I think… it could be higher for a reason!) :-)

    Thanks for blogging! I do enjoy spying into your little life!


  • Trish

    first day of winter is the 21st of December, i know because it’s my birthday ;-)
    it’s an awesome calendar!

  • Deeleea

    Hi Brenda

    I’m an apostrophe nerd, the annoying type so I’d be putting the apostrophes for Mothers’ Day and Fathers’ Day after the s as they’re for plural mothers and fathers. I’m not sure about Presidents Day… is it possessive as in honouring plural presidents on their day? or is it merely about plural presidents? In which case… presidents’ day.. or presidents day respectively… New Year’s day… the day belongs to the year… so it needs an apostrophe too…

    (i know… like I said, the annoying type… it’s a curse… arrgggh!)

    All the others Valentine’s/Patrick’s are as they should be!!

  • Lexi

    Went through and checked it against a calendar I’d bought…

    1. DST begins Mar 14

    2. My calendar has 1st day of fall on Sept 23…not sure why.

    3. First day of winter, Dec 21st. Also diff. on yours.

    That’s all I found! These are beautiful!

  • bethany actually

    Re: Deeleea, for Mother’s Day & Father’s Day I always want to put the apostrophes after the s’s to make them plural possessive, but putting the apostrophe before the s’s to make it singular possessive IS correct. “Mother’s Day” and “Father’s Day” are the correct, official spellings for those holidays in the U.S.

  • Katie

    you missed groundhog day… which isn’t really a holiday.. it just happens to be my son’s birthday :D I promise that’s the only reason I noticed

  • Tonya

    Looks good. I would note that you included Rosh Hashanah, Yom kippur, Chanukah, but forgot passover. It starts at sundown on March 29th, but to match what you have for the other holidays, you would probably want to put it on the 30th.

  • BeachMama

    Aww SAJ, you are awesome. I have loved your Calendars all year long. They look so much nicer on my fridge than the previous plain white one I was using. Thank you!

  • Teri

    The headers in November are aligned kinda goofy, and there is no copyright in April. It’s a really cute calendar, though!

  • Patty

    We love spying into your secret life! I will not complain if I find any problems (typo errors) with these calanders….WE CAN NOT LIVE WITHOUT THEM! Thanks a thousand times over for making these calanders! These calander pages just seem to brighten up the fridge door! and keep everyone informed of all special dates in our krazy life! Thanks again! You are sooooooooo Awsome!

  • ANNE


  • RaeAnne

    Did you fix Veteran’s Day? This year you have it listed as November 10th, and it should be the 11th. Can’t wait to buy one!

    SAJ says: All fixed! And if anyone buys one and finds another error, I’ll fix it and send you a new pdf.