Bug,  Funny Fashion

Funny Fashion Friday

channeling Betty Draper

I call this the Betty Draper look purely based on the shoes. Bug isn’t a girly-girl but she will break out the heels from time to time and she will beg me to let her wear them to the grocery store. So far I haven’t given in. So, this is not a bad look. I have to admit that while Bug did pick out these clothes herself she was basing her fashion choices (except for the shoes) off of what I was wearing. I have a skirt just like this except A-line and without trim and I was wearing a watermelon colored tank top. She likes to be matchy matchy. But she gets complete credit for the shoes.

fake acting

Stop! She’s hearing a message from the 80’s and it says, “I’ve got a feeeeeeeeling! I should wear tap shoes and this ugly hand-me-down shirt from my cousin but please notice that my socks match my pants!”

tooth-brushing fashion criminal

Okay, this is where me trying to help her get dressed goes terribly bad. First she puts on these size 24-months pants because they match Toby’s cords. I tell her they are too small, she insists they fit just right. I try to roll them to look like Katie Holmes but it just isnt’ working. Then she wants to wear her new wool “camping socks”. I let her. She tops her pants with this really cute Bug shirt that Anna Bonkers gave her but it kinda makes her look like a boy with the cords and the green socks so I gently suggest the girly shoes and the pink Dora vest (a hand-me-down). She dons the sunglasses and announces she’s ready to go. I wave a white flag.

posing next to her tooth-brushing chart

I’ll take credit for this outfit. I picked out the shirt, the skirt and the shoes and socks. Thank you. I think she looks cute too. She added the purse and the headband. Maybe she is a girly-girl after all. But I will add here that this pose is entirely for you to notice that she has completed a whole week of brushing her teeth, every single day without missing one. A huge accomplishment in our house. The sad part of this outfit is that the skirt was meant for babies (it has a built in diaper cover) and the elastic has given out in the waist so she spent the whole day hiking up her pants so her lime green undies wouldn’t show. It’s being retired to the out-grown box.


  • Jennifer

    The striped socks outfit is a riot! My girls still have no desire to pick their fashion, BUT Audrey is wearing her halloween costume that came in the mail this week. I have a tiger in the livingroom.

  • Felix

    LOVE the outfit with the sunglasses :) Kira can spend hours playing dress up!
    Shouldn’t you be on the road by now? I’m headed north this afternoon too (only as far as Ukiah/Round Valley though). Have a safe trip, whenever you do finally make it on the road :)

  • Katie

    Good job on the teeth brushing!! :D I think all of the outfits are hilariously cute. But then I have a little boy.. There aren’t too many crazy outfits that can be made out of boy clothes.

  • Dawn Hall

    Heather, This is absolutely precious and heart warming! I miss those days~

    I love how you love God, love life and love being His and theirs (God’s, your husband’s and your childrens). I also love how you love what you do! I know you know you have a gift. I appreciate your gift very much!

    I don’t even know you, yet I already love your heart, your passion and the positve impact you are making simply by being you and living your life the way you know God wants.

    I too struggle with balance and strive for it daily. Some days are more successful than others, but at the end of the day, you and I both know we did the best we could with what we had, and we strived to fulfill His will for our lives that day!
    Few are like us, maybe that’s why I appreciate and cherish the gift you are!
    Thank you for sharing so transparently.

    A few weeks ago I saw you were on hiatis (spelling? ;P) so I have not contacted you until now. I don’t see “on hiatis” on your sight anymore. I am hoping you are open to looking at the possibility of designing an interactive blog/website for me. I would be honored and grateful if we can work together.

    I cherish the idea of having someone I trust to take me & my work (which are ALL TOTALLY GOD’S) to a higher level. Yes, I am ready and wanting to enter the BLOG world! :) I am hoping that it is God’s will that I am able to hire either you, or someone that I trust, respect and admire as much as you, to transform my Cooking For Busy People Website from what it has been into what it can be!
    Please contact me at your earliest convienience to let me know if this is something you are open to looking at doing.

    If you are still on hiatis and I over looked it, I appoligize.
    I look forward to hearing from you.
    Sincerey and with appreciation,
    Dawn Hall-The cookbook lady and my goal is not to become the bag lady! :) (419) 826-2665

  • Anita

    OMG she is sooooo darn caaaayyyuuuttteeee. I’ve been following your blog since Bug’s green birthday. I’d love to send you some free product for your little fashionista….hair clips!!!! Where can I send them to? You can contact me at modern.seed@yahoo.ca or let Bug go to my website and pick a few on her own :) http://www.modernseed.ca

    Modern baby boutique items such as no slip hair clips, binky buddies (pacifier clip holders), blankets, tutu’s, slings and more!

    For some free swag, deals, steals and coupons only available to those in our facebook group….http://www.facebook.com/search/?q=modernseed&init=quick#/group.php?gid=138694593004&ref=search&sid=100000404341412.3427614012..1

    ***modernseed products are currently in over 14 stores throughout Canada***

    Cheers and a Happy Canadian Thanksgiving from me!!!