place holder posts,  travel

Almost Back

little stream fish

Wow. What a trip it’s been. We are not quite home yet but we are back from the lake cabin and I have managed to eke out a very weak wifi signal at our hotel. I thought I’d just pop in, read about 800 emails (780 of which were spam) and tell you that we had a GREAT time. All I’ve had time to do is make a new masthead. But I think the masthead will give you a pretty good clue as to what our vacation was all about.


  • Ninabi

    Can’t wait to hear all about your trip. Love the new masthead you created- the little hand up at the top is cute!

  • BeachMama

    Great masthead and wonderful underwater shot, I wonder how many of those you got to take? Welcome back to the land of wifi, hope you made out ok without it and enjoyed your time at the lake. Safe travels home.

  • Aunt Jaynette

    Look at all those fish!!! The best fish I have ever had was cooked over a camp fire. That was almost 40 years ago and I still remember it. The lake looks clearer than it was when we were up there a couple of Augusts ago…and much colder.

  • Kuky

    Yay! I’m having a little SAJ withdrawal. ;-D

    I’m looking forward to hearing about your trip. Did Bug fish and actually handle the casting ok? Alan wanted to know because there’s some fishing event going on near us soon.

    And love the little hand at the top of your banner. Was someone trying to catch fish with their hands?

  • Nila

    Those are some great pictures. I especially like the one of Bug fishing with her Dad. Looks like such a beautiful lake, can’t wait to hear about your adventures.
    Have a safe drive home.

  • Clownfish

    Love the masthead but the Clownfish loves all things aquatic! My favorite masthead to date was the ocean one with the seaweed. The seaweed even had the little air bladders (the little bulbs). You would think that the creative fountain would have to run dry but yours never does. – Have a safe trip home.

  • Uncle George

    I’m so glad the weather turned out just perfect for the better part of the week you were here. Toby and I fished like madmen…All those years in Newport and we never fished together. Well, we made up for lost time and I learned my brother is a true angler, he really had the spots and technique dialed in. I finished the weekend with 23 trout and lots of crappie and bluegill.

    Sure was nice having your cousin and family join us.

    I posted a fishing report on…
