Bug,  Funny Fashion

Funny Fashion Friday

little hippie

I know it’s nothing new for kids to dress themselves in crazy combinations but I’ve been thinking I ought to document Bug’s more interesting outfits here for the grandparents and Bug fans.

Hippie Dippy Psychadelic Mushroom Outfit: teeny tanktop size 2 from Old Navy, nifty skirt my mom made her from flour sack fabric, stylin’ bandana shorts from Noirbettie. They are really cool, maybe not so much as bloomers though.


Urban Hippie (?) Another skirt sewed by my mom (she’s been awesome lately with the hand sewn things), Honey Bear shirt from a birthday party two years ago, some pink leggings that I coaxed her to wear instead of the red bell bottoms she chose originally and of course green sandals from See Kai Run.

flutter bug

Hiker Butterfly: cardboard fairy wings, hand-me-down shirt and shorts from Annalie and Duckie Tevas from Uncle Shawn and Auntie CC.

fashion forward

And yesterday’s outfit, what should I call it? Biker Chic? It’s not that bad really except for the red Hello Kitty socks and Sunday-go-to-meeting shoes. Which by preschooler standards are probably way hip and cool. She told me she was matching Pounce, the black and white cat. Shirt, shorts and socks are hand-me-downs. Shoes are from Target or somewhere. I’d also like to note my mad skills on French braiding. She’s getting better at staying still these days.

So what are you wearing? Anybody else wanna play along with a Funny Fashion Friday post?


  • gingermog

    I’m rocking all of Bug’s outfits. I think she should come and randsack my wardrobe and pick out some new exciting outfit combination’s for me. I think she would like my wedding dress (knee length) my sparkly kitty bag and pink feather boa whhich don’t often see the light of day nowadays. Funny thing which has just hit me, as I work from home I could dress up in outageous outfits every day… who’s to see? Gah all that wasted oppurtunity. I think all of us work-at-home-freelancers should wear fairy wings! C’mon it would make every day special :)

  • pinky

    Oh, I wish I had an amazing outfit to report, but it is another mix-and-match Old Navy combo for me. I have the same shirt in three colors, and the same pair of pants in three colors. That is the most depressing paragraph I’ve ever written.

    However, a funny young Trader Joe’s cashier came running up to me the other night saying “we have the same sneakers on!” Hers were bright green, mine were….black, of course. Both Saucony :-)

  • Linda S

    I miss the days when my girls would dress themselves in ‘fashionable’ chosen outfits. Now, with the boys, there really isn’t anything fun. Boys = plain jack clothing. But Lord I love them anyway :)

    Bug has an eye for fashion and she wears her choices so well.

  • Ana

    Lovely Bug! I just took advantage of the Fashion and Style lessons she gave all of us! (By the way, I wanted to know if you have a button I could use to link your site on my blog) Bendiciones

  • Jen

    I’ve always wanted a girl (but won’t have one) just like Bug. JUST. LIKE. BUG. She is absolute joy and I can only hope that my boys find girls that are as cute and full of spunk as she is… you know, when they’re all older of course. ;-)

  • Emily

    She’s definitely got a great eye for fashion. Friday fashion sounds a fab idea, although its not unknown in our household go through multiple outfits in one day.
    A fashion classic yesterday, yellow gingham skirt, dark green school socks and fluffy pink Sleeping beauty dress up shoes.

  • Ninabi

    Love her style- each and every outfit is so cool and different.

    My daughter at age three topped off every outfit with a pair of kitchen gloves, adult sized. “Rubber glubs”, in green. And then Mardi Gras beads.

    I get such a kick out of seeing little kids in stores where you just know they dressed themselves and that they adore what they have on. Princess crowns, ballet skirts, action figure costumes months away from Halloween- the fun in living is a joy to see.