Eye Spy

Flowers in a Teacup!


Something small and pretty in a teacup that’s not to drink! Yep, I’m still snooping around the wedding blogs but this idea I had to take note of because it’s so perfectly cute. I’m thinking we might throw Bug a small tea party for her birthday this year, since it is after all the even year and I’m not going to go hog wild like we did last year. Don’t you think that would be cool? Just a small tea party for two or three or four with green teacups perhaps?


  • mar

    You should paint them at the pottery place, and that would be the party favor! I keep hoping my daughter will let me have a tea party for her birthday …. :::le sigh:::

  • Gramma

    I mistakenly commented on the bumble bee tea party. The writer probably thinks I am looney for I said we’d have a party the next time she comes out to the sticks. Even though my “baby” just turned 50, all my little girls enjoy tea parties, fancy food, lovely table setting, dressed up and wearing hats!

  • Gramma

    I like to collect tea cups and saucers at garage sales and second hand stores. Maybe there are some green ones out there.

  • Leesa

    yeah right!

    If you are like me anything small turns HUGE!
    that doesn’t mean you’ll regret it tho! And you’ll all have so much fun to boot