painting,  Paris,  Shop Talk

Paris in the Springtime…plate!

perhaps a little too staged

My SAJ Paris in the Springtime plate is in my shop now. I had a little fun staging it. Maybe too much fun. But hey, I always wanted to have my own shop and this virtual shop is nearly rent-free so I might as well have as much fun as I can! Would you like a little plate to keep on top of your dresser for your pennies and keys and sweet nothings?

oval SAJ goes to Paris plate

Perhaps you’re more in the mood for some cookies!

You can daydream about a bike ride along the Seine and perhaps a picnic on a low stone wall. Paris was really like that, you know. I remember taking the clichéd tour boat ride down the Seine and being amazed at how many city folks sat on the walls along the Seine drinking wine out in the open, next to their open picnic baskets from which they pulled out hunks of cheese and bread and tubs of pasta salads from a nearby deli. It was right out of a storybook.

And so it will be forever in my mind.


UPDATE: plate is sold. Thank you Binary Girl!


  • Annoushka

    Ha! I live in Paris, and not to crush the myth, it is cold, rainy and miserable right now!
    I wish I were in sunny CA. close to the beach!
    As the saying goes: grass, greener …
    Love your blog, creativity and your stories with your adorable little girl!

    SAJ says: Actually, I know! I wrote that in my description of my plate…

    “Paris in the spring can be quite cold and gray and rainy but not if you’re Secret Agent Josephine! Then it’s flowers and bees and blue skies with birds singing!” bla bla bla…

    But when I was there in May of 2005, it was perfect! So pretty in fact. I will be in love forever.

  • Spandrel Studios

    Any chance you will create a line of “SAF in Paris” housewares and expand your Etsy shop? If so, I’d be among the first to buy! (I first discovered your blog as I was headed to Paris 5 years ago, and I have been thrilled to read about your adventures ever since.)

    SAJ says: I’m definitely going to keep painting them but it’s slow work. I can only paint about one or two a month because of where the studio is and costs etc.

  • BeachMama

    I love your plate :). I first came here right after you had returned from Paris. I was so enthralled by your stories and your cool party you had at home afterwards. I was seven when I was in Paris, I remember some, but not enough.

  • Jennifer

    I agree, make more Paris items!! Emily is in love with France and Paris. I’m not sure where it all came from but everything beautiful is “like France” to her, haha.

  • gingermog

    Paris is always magical for me too… well mostly. I do remember as a student sitting eating fresh croissants and coffee sitting with my feet danging over the River Seine feeling so debonair. Sadly the photos of my trip last year didn’t come out.