I'm an idiot,  painting,  place holder posts

a thrown-up post

7days Spring 2009. Day 2: Day of the Dead

It was late. I said I wasn’t feeling creative enough to write a blog post but I’d had too much coffee to go to bed.

Lincoln Mark V

Bethany said, “You could just throw up a quick post.” Which is easy for her to say since she’s a night owl and does her best work at night. I, however, am a morning person and can’t stick two thoughts together past ten pm.

tortilla makers' window

Then Troy said, “Bleeeaaarrrgh!” as if Bethany meant I could just vomit up a post. Troy is such a funny guy. Always making puns.

sushi plate (un-fired)

So here you have it. My vomited-up post.

I’m sorry. It’s not really thrown up. I did think about it a little bit. It’s just late for me.