Buddies,  Bug,  movies,  party party

Shiny Happy Weekend

All the kids love Angella

Oh me oh my. We’ve been having a lot of fun these last few days. Angella came down from Canada to get rid of her winter blues and we have been packing in the fun as much as she can take. She’s going to go home with so much sunshine in her soul, they’re going to send her back because she’ll be too bright and cheery.

"Brush with us!" they say.

First we shipped her off to Bethany’s for some pottery painting. That always cures my winter blues but then I’m sort of a freak that way. I painted a tree plate but I don’t think it’s going to turn out. I also painted Angella’s mug accidentally by mistaking it for the water bowl when I wanted to wash off my brush. At least she’ll get a laugh at my expense every morning when she drinks her hazelnut latte.

The only problem with Angella visiting is that she has a freaking huge camera! Whenever she breaks it out, my cameras have to go hide in my purse because they have terrible inferiority complexes. I have hardly any photos of our fun because I’m tired of posting other people’s great works of art here. You can go ooh and awww over at their sites.

three bobble heads

After a really nice visit at my other home (Bethany’s) we came back here for some kind of drinkfest blogger meet up. I don’t usually go to these events because I’m not much of a drinker and I hate trying to have a conversation while yelling. But Sarah was there and they sort of dared me into going. I’m so glad I did. It wasn’t that big of a crowd and I clicked right away. I love it when that happens.

Somebody should pick up this show.

Now I have a bunch of new blogs I have to keep up on. $#@#%@!!

my bug

You know what else makes me super happy this weekend? Bug is officially potty-trained. Woooooo Hoooo!


  • patricia

    I was going to comment about how I had a great time Friday and that I enjoyed meeting everyone but then I saw that your daughter is potty-trained and OH MY GOD. That is fantastic news and quite frankly, I think that’s the best thing about the whole weekend. No. I am not kidding. I worked in a daycare for seven years and most of them were spent with the three year olds so when one of them got potty trained, well, that was a very happy sunshiny day let me tell you. Congratulations! <3

  • Jamie

    Congrats on the potty training! How did you do it? Any tips or ideas you can bestow? I have a soon to be 3 year old and I don’t know what to do because she isn’t the least bit interested. :(

  • Sam

    Cutest video ever! (She’s saying ‘hot dog’, right?) And hurray on the potty training! That’s amazing. I am SO SO not looking forward to it (I saw on babycenter the other day where they recommended starting now, at 18 months, and I was all HO HO HO you are crazy, people!) so I too would love to hear how you’ve done it.

    You and Bethany have given me the urge to go try my nearest pottery painting place. Y’all make everything look so cute, and I want a new coffee mug!

  • sizzle

    If you’re going to add some more blogs to your reader, those guys are good ones to add. ;-) Sounds like fun! I miss the sun. I hope Angella packed some extra Vitamin D rays in her suitcase for Canada.

  • Angelique

    Yay for potty-trained preschoolers! It makes everything much much easier from now on. My just-turned-4yo boy loved Bug’s hot dawwwg song, and now he’s belting his own version :)

  • brandon

    i was totally singing that song on my way home Friday night, although i thought the lyrics were VODKAAA VODKAA

    my version was a lot less adorable

  • Jennifer

    Sounds like a super happy sunshine weekend. Please come over and have Bug show Audrey how to use the potty. Audrey is a little confused with the whole concept. I need to get down to one in diapers because I’m tired of hearing the RIP of diaper tabs.

  • Kuky

    Yay for Lena! Isabelle was doing very well with potty training. Then we went out and there were other kids and too much interesting things to look at. And well…diapers are obviously less work for her. She can just happily play and not have to stop at all for using the potty.

    She was probably thinking: What? Stop playing to potty? Why when I can just go in my diaper?

    Huuhhh…well at least for the past two days she’s getting back to the potty, with some grumbling. She’s saying, “no mama, I don’t want panties. Diaper please.”

  • BeachMama

    Bug’s video is just so cute. Hot Dog she is potty trained!! Congratulations, enjoy the freedom!

    And how exciting that you got out and partied with the crew, Angella sounds like loads of fun and you guys make bloggy meet ups seem like they happen all the time. Glad she got away from Winter for a while. I am sitting here looking at the snow as I type, oh lucky, lucky me ;).

  • lynne

    Well done to Bug! A big milestone accomplished. She is such a cutie.

    We had 8 inches of snow drop on London yesterday! Everything ground to a halt, even the buses didn’t run (London without the big reds unheard of!). The zoo was shut but by peering over a fence on tiptoe I got to see the flamingos in the snow, so delicate, just breath takingly beautiful.