Buddies,  domesticity,  Shop Talk

while I’m on the subject of lemons

what dust?

Maybe you’re in the mood for a lemon drop martini made by Miss Whoorl herself? Just kidding! I wish she was serving lemon drop martinis! I’ve been trying to talk her into hosting a little cocktail party in her swanky backyard for ages. One of these days!

In the meantime, you can get a lemon apron just like Whoorl is wearing in my sister-in-law, cc’s etsy shop. I know you are probably sick of me pimping out my relatives on this site but this apron is CUTE!!!

nice to meet you

Is it not? We did a little photo shoot at Whoorl’s house yesterday and had a lot of fun goofing off. Whoorl is the best model. Too bad half the photos I took were blurry! My habit of hating to use a flash will be the end of me, I swear. But we did get a few good ones. Check them out and send cc some traffic too… there’s probably somebody who needs a domestic diva apron! We’ll get to blogher one penny at a time!


  • Meghan

    I have the same issue with hating to use the flash, but then having blurry photos. :-( But they look really cute, both the photos and the aprons!

  • Red Sonja

    You girls! I’m so jealous my two favorite bloggers get to hang out! Thanks for the pictures and letting us see a little more into your lives. I have a pretty stout apron wardrobe, but mine have to be full and cover the chest. Thats where most of my spatter ends up! I always wonder what my neighbors think when they see me in it when I’m outside. I imagine something along the lines of “oh how quaint. what a practical homemaker”, but it’s probably more like, “who does she think she is? Donna Reed?”

  • Clownfish

    First, it was wonderful getting the opportunity to meet the beautiful Ms. Whoorl and hangout with you both at the park, way back when.

    2nd, it’s a very nice apron but I have to stick with my Calphalon or John Deere aprons when I’m working the grill or smoker. Hey, I’m a dude!

    Last. I’m totally green with envy over Whoorl’s awesome looking oven/stove! When I get the $$ my electric is gone and I’m getting a stainless gas unit. Bon Appétit

  • Jennifer

    I LOVE aprons! I have several books on aprons, a collection myself, and have a bundle of memories of all the women in my family wearing aprons in the kitchen.

    I love the precious one that Miss Whoorl is modeling.

  • whoorl

    Thanks for the compliments about my kitchen! My fabulous, yet teeny-tiny kitchen. ;)

    p.s. – Brenda, I found the missing lemon! It was under my couch!!

  • Heather B.

    I was actually just looking for a new apron and ended up buying a vintage, 50’s style one but I wan another one that is more modern and fun. And I really cannot believe I’m dissecting apron types. Anyway, I’ll go check it out.

    Oh and your model there is kinda cute.

  • Gingermog

    There’s something very beautiful about this photograph. CC is an amazing designer. Hmm maybe I should go tell her that on her board.