• illos,  Slow News Day

    slow news day

    a few characters I've been working on...

    It seems like I’ve got writer’s block. I never get writer’s block but sometimes I think my brain gets stuck on one track and doesn’t want to switch over to the other. (Some tracks, like math and memorizing numbers, it never switches to at all but that’s neither here nor there.) I think I’ve just been working on illustrations so much lately that I just don’t feel like writing.

    So here’s a little window into what I’ve been working on. I love these characters. I have the best clients in the world who let me do whatever I want. Strangely, I don’t really have anything else to say.

    Maybe that’s a good thing.

  • movies,  The Zoo

    Goodbye Charcoal


    I didn’t expect to be so happy to return the kitten to my mom’s house…but then I didn’t really expect Charcoal to be ALL CLAWS AND TEETH all the time either! That little ankle-biter has worn out his welcome in our house. If I wasn’t breaking up fights between him and Baby Bug all the time then I was typing with my feet up around my ears just to keep my concentration from being broken by Count Charcoalula sinking his fangs into my toes.

    In honor of our fond farewell, I have made a movie to remember him by.

    Goodbye Charcoal from secretagentjo on Vimeo.

    Goodbye Charcoal. I hope you find a happy home with a family made of tin.