• artsy fartsy,  Bug,  Family Matters,  painting

    watercolors and funky pants cards

    battle field of color

    We got the watercolor paints out again the other day. I LOVE watercolors. We haven’t been painting with them as much ever since I introduced the wonder of acrylic paint to Baby Bug. She thinks watercolors are for sissies now. Who wants to paint with the wimpy watercolors when there are messier, goopier, gooier paints to be had?!! So I had to hide the acrylics for a while.

    not quite getting the dab first, blow second technique

    Thankfully, if I seem to be having fun with the wimpy paints, Baby Bug is likely to join in the fun. So fun we did have! We blew the paint around the paper with straws and made funny many-limbed monsters like this green monster:

    green monster

    painting the marble

    We painted marbles and rolled them around on the paper. That was a lot of fun. I read about doing this in an old issue of Wondertime Magazine. They have great photos that instantly sucked me in. I never even really read the directions but got the gist of what to do by just looking at the photos.

    playing with negative space

    Then we painted some leaves from our neighbor’s Japanese maple tree. It was a little tricky for Baby Bug’s little hands to hold the leaf still but that didn’t really matter. She’s more about the process than the end result anyway and anything that combines her love of paint AND leaves was a win-win situation for her. I think she would have painted every leaf on the tree if I would have let her.

    sunset light

    When we were done, we had quite a gallery of paintings to hang up on my make-shift drying line—that is actually the party lights we have strung from the rafters of our patio roof. I’ve been eye-balling the art gallery clotheslines (can’t find a link right now but I’m sure there is one somewhere) that many artistic mom-bloggers have been writing about lately but I’m a little short on wall space so the party lights will have to do. I actually liked the dangling art decorating our patio so I left it up for a couple of days.

    cutting up the artworkpieces

    It’s just fun to collaborate with her this way. I’m sure we’ll keep doing this for years to come but it will probably be more of a push and pull than it is right now where I just take over and do whatever I think is best.

    glue is fun

    We sliced and diced and then had some fun with the stick glue. Two hours later I made made a whole passel of fun little graphic cards. They are a little more modern than my usual fare but I like them.


    I had father’s day in mind as well some sympathy cards for some relatives of ours. Toby’s aunt passed away earlier this week and I thought they might appreciate something that celebrates life but is not cliche like something you would buy at the grocery store. Toby’s got plenty of artists in his family so I think they will get it.

    his side of the family

    In fact, his aunt was quite the quirky artist herself. That’s her on the far left. Check out her pants. I didn’t know her well but I loved her because of those pants. That and her house was the most amazing house ever. I wish I would have taken pictures the two times I visited. I’m sure it’s been written up in a magazine somewhere. It’s that kind of house. She will be missed I’m sure.

    2 sets of cards, 2 sets of postcards

    So these cards are sort of a tribute to her and all the people out there who wear funky pants to weddings. I think she would have liked these cards.

  • domesticity,  Family Matters,  the sticks

    Something Sassy from the Sticks


    There was a flurry of activity out in the sticks this morning and yesterday. My sister-in-law, CC, made an apron! She needed to re-stock her etsy shop and decided an apron was just the thing. Finding retro fabric in my mom’s over-flowing cabinet of fabric is always fun. (Though this particular combo did not come from my mom’s closet.)

    I was supposed to make one too. I picked out fabric and everything but somewhere along the way my wind blew out of my sails. I’m just not really a sewing girl. I can be at times but I had my mind on illustrations. It’s so much easier for me to sit down at my laptop and make things with my mouse than it is to spend three or four hours playing tug rope with fabric. Seriously, that’s what sewing feels like to me sometimes.


    But enough about me! Check out CC’s apron? Is it cute or what?!! If I didn’t ruin every apron I own, I would buy it myself. It makes me want to bake lemon scones and drink iced tea in a tall frosty glass. She named it June which makes me think she should make one for every month. How perfect would that be? A new apron every month? I think I might just take up baking if I got a gift like that.



    We had fun photographing it out in the yard this morning. CC is a great model, turning her head whichever way I tell her to. I love it when models cooperate with me.

    Meet June

    So if it’s not snatched up already, you can go buy this apron yourself and model it around in your front yard. If you buy it, call me. Let’s do tea. I’ll bring my camera.