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Checking In

I have my very own Gumball Mug!!!!


Wow! I had no idea so many people had pacifier anecdotes! Sixty-some comments! I should write about pacifiers more often. Just kidding. I think I am finally at peace with the on-going pah saga. I’ll keep you posted if anything new happens.

In the meantime, I better roll that old post off there before you think I’m just leaving it up for weeks just to get more comments. I don’t have any new crafts or adventures to post about. I’ve been baby sitting a lot and while there are plenty of tales on that front, I have to respect their privacy and keep those stories to myself. For now at least. I’m taking my sewing machine and iron-on paper over there tonight so that might be fun. Or a disaster, I don’t know.

Happy Weekend everybody! Wish me luck in figuring out something fun to surprise Toby with on Father’s Day.